mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
It gives you 5 years in each direction. 1966, +/- 5 years, is 1961-1971. So before 1959 is beyond that.
speaker response 20hz-20khz +-3db = 6db in one direction

20hz could be 6db down from the rest of the frequencies and it would still be +-3db

but yeah he made a mistake ... we'll crucify him later. :D but then again, he'd kick us all out of his house (forum)


Audioholics Master Chief
It gives you 5 years in each direction. 1966, +/- 5 years, is 1961-1971. So before 1959 is beyond that.
You really need to let this go...Seriously.


Audioholics Master Chief

Have you watched it yet? I am curious to read what you thought of it.
No, I am going this Saturday. As I said, I have low expectations so if its at least mildly entertaining and better than ST V and Nemesis, then I will be happy. I won't dwell on the timeline changes since afterall, much of SciFi is doing this lately (ie. Terminator) and you can't expect to travel at speeds greater than light and not deal with time dilation and the relativistic physics consequences.
I thought the movie was brilliant. My guess is Gene hadn't yet seen it as of his last post or he'd have even more to complain about.

Reinventing the Star Trek timeline is a stroke of genius. Here are the things that I think make this particularly awesome:

1) It gives Spock way more leeway to use/exhibit emotion
(now his mother died when he was young and his planet was blown up)
2) Many characters have more depth (Scotty is younger, Spock/Uhura,
Kirk enters combat/captainship at earlier point in life & loses his father early on
3) The Star Trek fans have to shut up (thank GOODNESS) and can't whine about continuity since the entire universe has been changed.
4) Anything is possible now

To those who don't fully "get" this. Consider:

- Since there was a
time travel incident that killed Kirks' dad in the past
, this explains why the ship is designed differently (the bridge, for example)
- It also explains any differences in facts - like the test scenario and Spock's position in Starfleet
- The ripple effect may even explain Spock's added emotional response to the Vulcan council and him going to Starfleet.

If you notice, Spock is now a MUCH more interesting character with a LOT of depth. Expect him to be more emotional. He has about 40 years advancement on the elder Spock who embraces (finally) his humanity.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
No, I am going this Saturday. As I said, I have low expectations so if its at least mildly entertaining and better than ST V and Nemesis, then I will be happy. I won't dwell on the timeline changes since afterall, much of SciFi is doing this lately (ie. Terminator) and you can't expect to travel at speeds greater than light and not deal with time dilation and the relativistic physics consequences.
i'm not an OS trekkie - i'm more like a NG trekkie, and this wasn't bad at all ... bordering on competing with ST First Contact and ST Voyage Home in entertainment value and multiple watching :)

i'll probably be watching it in theatres this weekend :D


Audioholics Master Chief
Nothing beats the Dominion Wars in DS9 IMO. Go Defiant!


Audioholic Overlord
No, I am going this Saturday. As I said, I have low expectations so if its at least mildly entertaining and better than ST V and Nemesis, then I will be happy. I won't dwell on the timeline changes since afterall, much of SciFi is doing this lately (ie. Terminator) and you can't expect to travel at speeds greater than light and not deal with time dilation and the relativistic physics consequences.
Gene, I am sure you will like it since you have low expectations. Personally, I found it rather entertaining. Spock is done very well. ;);) I also like the humorous side to the movie. Hopefully, you will as well. :):)




Audioholic Field Marshall
Speaking of Spock (were we?), much surprise was had last night on Fringe when Olivia went up an elevator in NYC, got off in another dimension where the WTC in New York still stands and met Leonard Nimoy, Spock in voice, but not in ears, as a long lost mad scientist William Bell. It seems as though JJ Abrams likes Nimoy. I also really liked seeing him in Star Trek
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
spock is to ST:OS
data is to ST:TNG
7of9 is to ST:Voy

they're the interesting characters :)

sorry, ST:Enterprise's character is supposed to be T'Pol but the whole series was bleh
i'm not familiar with DS9
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
that's an entire series i haven't watched! to watch that series ... i'd have to dedicate about a month of straight watching :D

+ a non-moving starbase just didn't attract me enough like the other starships did :)

we'll see ... i'll check it out


Senior Audioholic
The last 2 seasons of enterprise was actually quite good. They had interesting action packed stories that spanned mutiple episodes.

spock is to ST:OS
data is to ST:TNG
7of9 is to ST:Voy

they're the interesting characters :)

sorry, ST:Enterprise's character is supposed to be T'Pol but the whole series was bleh
i'm not familiar with DS9


Audioholic Ninja
Nothing beats the Dominion Wars in DS9 IMO. Go Defiant!
I like the Dominion. When DS9 started, it was a bit boring, but started getting interesting when war broke. But my favorite bad guys will always be the Borg (the TNG ones).


Audioholics Master Chief
sorry, ST:Enterprise's character is supposed to be T'Pol but the whole series was bleh
You may want to check out the 2nd and 3rd seasons. Most of the episodes were really good, especially In Mirror Darkly and when they stopped the Xindi from destroying earth. The final episode was rushed b/c the show was canceled and it sucked big time but other than that, it became a good show. Sadly Star Trek fans didn't support it and it went away, thus killing Trek until now. I'd rather have mediocre Trek than no Trek but thats just me. IMO most of TNG was at best mediocre - Love Boat in Space.


Audioholics Master Chief
I like the Dominion. When DS9 started, it was a bit boring, but started getting interesting when war broke. But my favorite bad guys will always be the Borg (the TNG ones).
Agreed, love the Borg, especially in Voyager, but Khan was the all time villan for anything sci-fi. Nothing tops him IMO. Imagine an assimilated Khan LOL


DS9 was my favorite. The show didn't do so well with the loyal fans since it had a darker story line, but the wars with the Dominion and Cardasians made for a much more intense show. Besides, they had a lot more Klingons running around in that show.


Audioholic Spartan
That guy from the Reanimator movies must be a major Trekkie. He keeps popping up in different series. Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 different roles he played:

1. He was Wa-Yun sp? on DS9
2. He played a Ferenghi once on Enterprise
3. He was Commander Shran on Enterprise

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