Lost Season 5 Finale
SPOILERS for those of you who haven't seen the episode yet...
So we leave off right where the last episode leaves off...
Jack and Sayid, with help from Eloise Hawking and Richard Alpert, have come to the hydrogen bomb. According to Daniel Faraday's notebook, the only part of the bomb that is required to blow up the Swan station is the plutonium core, which Sayid successfully removes and rigs to blow up on impact.
Meanwhile, back in the future... John Locke is moving across the Island, ready to meet Jacob and have Benjamin Linus kill him.
BUT there are some Ajira passengers that seem to know something else that is going on. They carry with them to the main Island, a large box containing some sort of cargo. Frank Lapidus is let in on the secret, but we must wait until later...
All the while, there are flashbacks occurring for every person on Flight 815, and each one ties back with a man... Jacob. Jacob seems to have been on the Island since before the dawn of electricity... before the creation of the New World... we even watch as the Black Rock sails on by while Jacob fishes, and cooks... he converses with a man regarding the ship, knowing he sent him there. The man says that he wants to kill Jacob, and that one day he will find a loophole.
So back to 1977, where Razinski is pushing the Swan site members to push the drill further into the electric anomaly.
Juliet, Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, Jin, and Miles push toward the site, avoiding as much attention as possible from DHARMA.
They come to the site, and after a long-awaited fight between Jack and Sawyer, Jack finally goes off to detonate the bomb.
The drill is pulsating, and it wont stop... Jack drops the bomb... and nothing happens.
The drill keeps going, and suddenly metalic objects begin flying toward the hole. People realize that something is wrong, and begin fleeing from the area. More metal flies down the hole... a chain catches Juliet and pulls her along too. Kate barely catches her, and looses her to Sawyer. Sawyer holds on for as long as possible... but it's too late - Juliet is pulled down into the hole.
In the present, the Ajira survivors burn Jacob's cabin... and move onward.
Locke and the rest of "The Others" come to the statue's foot... Richard takes Locke up to it, and tells him that that is where Jacob lives.
Locke and Ben enter, while Richard stays behind.
While they are inside, the Ajira survivors find Richard, and ask him what lies under the statue. Richard answers correctly... and they show him what is in the crate.
Back in 1977, Juliet wakes up at the bottom of the hole, bruised, bloody, injured, and obviously scared. She looks over and sees the plutonium bomb. She grabs a rock, and begins banging on it.
In the present, Ben stabs Jacob in the heart. He falls to the ground.
The Ajira survivors roll the contents of the crate onto the sand... It is the REAL John Locke - who is still dead.
The man that has John Locke's body - is the same man that talked to Jacob on the beach, while he was fishing. And he found a loophole.
He kicks Jacob into the fire.
The bomb detonates.
The screen goes white, a la' Island time flashes...
But - once again - we are LOST.

The episode was incredible. Not exactly what I was expecting, but amazing enough to merit a quick summary for those of you who didn't get to watch it but really should have.
What did everyone think?