Updates to the system...
ldgibson76: music playback is very nice with the NAD T747 much fuller range and detail in sound; I like it very much!
agarwalro: Yes, I'm using the Monitor 50's as speaker stands until I build some.
Now onto some new things...
Frys Electronics strikes again! Came home with a BluRay player Thursday (Sony BDP-S360) on sale for $240. I wasn't sure how much of a difference it would make for my 720P Projector setup, but I was curious to find out. So along with the BD player I picked up BluRay versions of IronMan and Appleseed:ExMachina to compare against the DVD versions.
Before I get too far along, I would like to mention some changes made. I've moved the Subwoofer upfront and center on the new rug - there is a little less volume but also much smoother bass response and a lot less hot spots. All the speaker wiring has been cleaned up and routed along the walls. I've also added curtains, the 8ft bay window has a double layer of curtains to allow excellent viewing at any time of the day. And since addition of the BluRay player brought the remote count to 5, I went ahead and picked up a Harmony 510 remote yesterday after work, along with Pirates of the Carribean trilogy on BR. Pictures of some of the changes below:
Now back to how much of a difference this BluRay makes in a 720P projector versus an upconverted DVD. After getting the BluRay player setup and audio finally like it should be (forgot to get a second Digital co-axial audio cable when buying the BluRay Player) I went ahead and watched Ironman. My what a
very noticable difference! Finally Ironman was not fuzzy in the regular scenes and a little sharper in the CG ones. Color detail and contrast
very noticeably improved as well. Another benefit is fluid movement as well, the action was so much more fluid and smooth compared to watching an upconverted DVD. I was very impressed. Next, was to see what kind of difference it made in a CG Anime title - which really is what I was curious about. The difference in Appleseed:ExMachina was much less than in Iron Man, but there was a noticeable difference. Sharpness of the upconverted DVD was not too much worse than the BluRay, color and contrast had a little more noticeable difference, but nowhere near the difference of Iron Man. The main difference was in fluidity of motion, just like in IronMan - motion just looks plain better and more realistic with less judder compared to an upconverted DVD. The most difference is when the movie is paused, that is where you see the most difference in image detail between the two sources. Below are picture comparisons of BluRay and upconverted DVD for IronMan and Appleseed:ExMachina:
IronMan DVD (paused):
IronMan BluRay (paused):
Appleseed:ExMachina DVD (paused):
Appleseed:ExMachina BluRay (paused):
Appleseed:ExMachina DVD (playing):
Appleseed:ExMachina BluRay (playing):