Randyb is of correct about the length of time delay. There is absolutely nothing I can do about that. But his speakers are in the process of being constructed at this very moment.
I do not have any sort of dedicated work shop (I have to do all largish cuts, finish work, etc. - outside - and I only have space to set up a single project to construct in the small prep area I have), and as the winter started to turn(with rain on most days combined with cold weather, I got stuck trying to finish another project that is due before Randy's, which belongs to Matt34. While Matt's is now nearly complete, I put it on the side to now work on Randy's speakers because of his extreme aggravation(which I completely understand, btw).
So, yes, I am taking a long time. I would be upset if I was Randy as well... but there is nothing I can do about it except for work on the speakers and deliver them when complete.
As far as updates, I did promise to give weekly updates, and I did not update him this week (last time was 2 weeks ago), but on some weeks nothing gets accomplished if it rains all weekend(I can only work on these large projects on weekends) or some other circumstance occurred that I did not get to work on them. As this last weekend, I did not get a chance to anything, I did not update because there was nothing to update. But if it is to the preference of the client, I will now update weekly in ANY case, just to keep him in the current loop, as Randy is more upset than I though he was.
As for Randyb losing an investment, well, so long as I am capable (not physically disabled or deceased), he will get exactly what he ordered.
Should I have not accepted multiple large projects at once? That is true. I over-estimated what circumstances would allow me to accomplish within a given time frame. If I ever accept any other large projects in the future, I will likely farm out most of the construction stage to a 3rd party unless I happen to have a proper building area of my own(which does not seem likely any time soon).