By now, I'm sure everyone had heard about the "photo op" of Air Forice One that literally scared the crap out of everyone and caused pure unadulterated panic in New York.
I'd find it hard to believe just about anyone of good conscience could go on record and say, "What's the big deal?" This was clearly a stupid thing to do...and you could easily argue a lot worse.
What I find particularly interesting, however, was the Administration's response because there's a definate pattern emerging from what I can tell. First, you act a bit surprised the question is being asked. Second, you attempt to guage the tanacity of the reporter and their question to get a sense of probable responses to whichever predetermined answer you decide to give. Third, if the shrug failed to quell the pesky insistance of an honest answer, you lie. You stammer and claim you're really not privy to what's going on and you didn't know. Fourth, get a prominent Senator, Schumar is always good for this... to blame Bush. Yes, this was done yesterday believe it or not. Fifth, once it's determined that the media is turning on them and still asking questions and expecting forthcoming answers, gather the troops and determine the best course of action. Sixth, tell everyone how furious you are and do best job at faking a self-depricating half-hearted explanation. Seventh, locate a subordinate and have them fall on their sword.