So a few weeks back, I got a notice that my account at Huntington Bank had been overdrawn $60 from speedway. I figured this was just a place holder, as some gas stations will do that.
Turns out it wasn't. So I filed a dispute. The bank eventually came back siding with the station. I didn't really understand, since my card had been deactivated before the charge was made, due to the fact that they had sent out new cards to several customers.
I went down today with the only money I had, $200 exact. The account at the time was at -$221. I figured I could negotiate with them to take off a few fines so I could pay it off in full. Their response was that they could bring it down to $206. The following conversation insued.
Keep in mind, this is after 2 weeks of talking to them politely everyday on the phone. I just couldn't take it anymore.
Idiot Bank Employee: "Well, we can bring it down to $206, is that all you have?"
Me: "Yes, this is all I have, I've told you this several times already"
Bank: "Can you pay the rest off tommorrow"
Me: "Are you even listening to me?"
Bank: "We've been told that we can't waive anymore fines or else we'll be repremanded."
Me: "I'm unemployed and have been struggling to find work. I just had dental work and I have to pay that off. Please work with me here. It boggles my mind that you will be punished for making a profit, unless what you're saying is a bunch of crap."
Bank: "Excuse me?"
Me: "I was told that you would be able to work something out. A better offer than what was given to me by another employee over the phone, or was that a lie?"
Bank: "Sir we.."
Me: "Do you think I'm an idiot? I've had enough of this place, and I'm sick of dealing with things like this on a regular basis. Why would I deposit $200, only to continue to receive fines everday? I'll take my business else where, good day"