These helping hands are really nice. The glass is heavy enough to offset the weight of the components but it really does want a custom base. PE has them for cheap but if it's a plastic magnifying glass I would skip it. This one was only $6.
The automatic stripper is mandatory.
Two temp. hot glue gun used on low setting.
They tell you to solder or the connector blades to the board at the bottom of the pic. For demo purposes I placed the paint stir sticks in under the inductor to show what I used for a spacer until the glue set at a couple of points.
The board:
The back:
How I hold solder:
Since it's my first time in over 25 years I made an effort to use the iron and hold the solder with each hand so that I will be ambidextrous with this. Once you learn with one hand only, it's too late.
Since I am not working I must do the grocery shopping or my g/f will kill me. I tried to show her how Swerd had helped and she told me to see if there was a guy on here that would tell me how to paint our bathroom.