If any AH members could help I would be very happy,again.Heres the problem I have my EP 2500,DCX both infinity kappas are built with drivers installed the absolute last thing to do is laminate the boxes and I am not doing this until next weekend with my son so I can give him a lesson on lamination he is a full time college student but would like to see how to do this so I promised I would wait.My thoughts are let me hear them so I want to hook them up without adding more to this I hooked them up wrong and nothing was working properly so now everything is unhooked only wires I left in place are the speak wires to the fronts from my XPA-5, here are my components ,pioneer 1015,EMO XPA-5,Behringer 2500,DCX,and all the interconnects needed,before I hook them up for the third time could you guys chime in ,treat me like a total beginner and tell me the exact wiring order you know like plug a to plug b I'm sorry to come across like this but I keep doing something wrong,and I am going nuts wanting to hear these things.Thanks forum ,Sawz. p.s. I cant count how many times I said WTF this morning and now I feel stupid.