The same could be said about republicans and MSNBC, CNN or the media in general aside from Fox, of course.
Good post Andrew, I'd like to add a few thoughts to consider.
Regarding the replies to Dave's Fox News thread.
IMO the average TV viewer assumes the news is neutral, and has no agenda.
Due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of TV and print journalists are registered Democrats,(along with the owners of afore mentioned TV news , and print news outlets) it would be an added assumption to think they could overcome human nature and not let personal biases color their opinions.
A quick example: Below is a list of Democratic CNN anchors and correspondents who are covering the Democratic National Convention (there are no registered Republicans): CNN's new motto, "No bias. No bull."
Anderson Cooper is a registered Democrat.
Jeanie Moos is a registered Democrat.
Gloria Borger is a registered Democrat.
Jeanne Meserve is a registered Democrat.
Suzanne Malveaux is a registered Democrat.
Soledad O'Brien is a registered Democrat
Another assumption, is made of our system of education.
One thing that I remember about my college days, was the fact that all of my professors were Democrats, and frequently made the students aware of that fact. My 'one' sole Republican prof was in Macro Economics.
As the first Clinton vs. Bush election neared, the head of the Economics Dept would make the rounds, and interrupt the classes and speak of the myriad reasons to vote Democratic.
One other mistake that is frequently made is due to the public's lack of knowledge of the technique of "Marginalization."
Too many to list, though here is on most would know-
One obvious example: when sophomoric Howard Stern wrote his first #1 best selling book.
The New York Times ignored the book and refused to add it to their "Top Ten Best Seller" list.
Howard Stern was not Politically Correct enough for them. So, he was conveniently marginalized.
Fox news is the only right leaning TV news channel, and of course the are marginalized.
The many voters that get their news from The Comedy Channel's John Stewart Show(a registered Democrat), and Saturday Night Live, and the Colbert Nation.
Both very funny shows, though they are parodies of news with a bias agenda.
The show only marginalizes those they don't align with. Of course the voters that watch, never realize comedy news parodies are funny because it consists of a 'little bit' truth. It's not really the news.
I won't even touch upon how marginalization occurs in movies, and in commercials.
(I apologize for the rushed ramblings, my bride is calling me to finish making the stuffed pork loin.)
