Monster Cable is Back! Sues Mini-Golf Company



Audioholic Chief
Hey there, this is Erik from Monster Cable. Hope you don't mind, but I shortened the response to reduce clutter for everyone reading.

I talked with our legal department and found out what's up. I'd like to start by saying that Monster Cable has no problem with Monster Design using its name as a trademark for their company. And I want to clarify that we haven't sued Monster Design -- they are suing us (as I believe MonsterDC sort-of stated).

This all started sometime ago when our attorneys sent a letter (not a lawsuit) to Monster Design asking them to stop using "Monster Design", because they thought it infringed on our own "Monster Design" trademarks as well as one of our licensees that is in the same business as Monster Design.

Once we realized that our attorneys did this, we asked them to retract the letter and not do anything else. Again, we have no problem with Monster Design using "Monster Design" as a trademark for their company.

However, before that could get done, Monster Design sued Monster Cable. Their suit is asking the court to rule that their Monster Design trademark does not infringe ours.

It was an unnecessary and expensive step for them to file a lawsuit against us. We are not sure why they decided to spend their money on this. We have now been put in a position where we have had to spend a lot of money to defend ourselves. We feel that this lawsuit is a waste of the court's time, and we are in discussions with Monster Design and have asked them to drop the suit.

I love you guys are so quick to deflect all blame to the lawyers. It really makes you look like saints.


Junior Audioholic
so I'm new, what's a good alternative to monster cables for HDMI, component, fiber optic audio, subwoofer, and the like.

particularly an HDMI cable that can compete with 14.9 Gbps, I only really want to buy these cables once, or at least prolong the time between now and when I have to get new ones because I know the speed requirements on cables are going to continue to increase over time.
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Audioholic Jedi
so I'm new, what's a good alternative to monster cables for HDMI, component, fiber optic audio, subwoofer, and the like.

particularly an HDMI cable that can compete with 14.9 Gbps, I only really want to buy these cables once, or at least prolong the time between now and when I have to get new ones because I know the speed requirements on cables are going to continue to increase over time.
I posted in your other thread, but to summarize here: and Blue Jeans Cable.


Audioholic General
Thanks for the update, MMG, glad to see that a peacful resolution came about this huge mess that Monster made.


Full Audioholic
I find it amusing that when I clicked on this thread, there was an ad for at the top of the page :D


Junior Audioholic
Boo Monster

This really sucks, because i am in the market for a power conditioner, and monsters looks are appealing. But because of all this thay are off the short list of units to get now its down to APC and the other one starting with P i forget the name but I have a power bar from them.

I wonder if the free publicity the lawsuits give them, make up for lost sales.

EDIT: Panamax
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Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends:
"Possibly even a boycott of Monster Cable products would be appropriate. Monster Cable must be brought to justice, and we ask that you send this article to anyone and everyone you know."

yes ! lets do that ! I haven't bought a MC product in years anyway! and will continue to talk crap about them and NOT buy their overpriced garbage imports !

thanks for bringing this info here .

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