Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
I took a nice long cruise tonight and rolled past 10K on the Vette. That's km's, btw. I finally got to use as much as half throttle. The "street racing" laws here are so broadly interpreted that anything more, even getting onto a highway, could potentially cause the vehicle to be impounded and my insurance to go up to about 10K per year. It's not worth the risk. I need the dragstrips to open up soon.


Audioholic Jedi
I took a nice long cruise tonight and rolled past 10K on the Vette.
Sounds like fun. You should know, Dave, that I'm consistently envious of that Vette. That's a great car that you've got there.

...and my insurance to go up to about 10K per year.
:eek: Holy crap! My insurance used to be $2k/year on my Prelude, and I thought that I was getting royally effed at that level (seeing as how I have a perfect driving record with no tickets or accidents). $10k?!? Yikes. I can see why you take it easy.


Audioholic Spartan
Sounds like fun. You should know, Dave, that I'm consistently envious of that Vette. That's a great car that you've got there.

:eek: Holy crap! My insurance used to be $2k/year on my Prelude, and I thought that I was getting royally effed at that level (seeing as how I have a perfect driving record with no tickets or accidents). $10k?!? Yikes. I can see why you take it easy.
Thanks. It's a very nice ride but when push comes to shove, it's still just a car. My Focus lease is up soon and the Vette will be my wife's daily driver for the summer. We'll reevaluate our driving needs/wants later this year depending on work and income issues since we're both employed in the auto sector. Talk about unstable.:eek:

My insurance for that car is only about $1400/yr right now, which seems reasonable to me as a third vehicle on the policy. I can't afford the penalty for any infraction under the "street racing" laws. That would include chirping your tires or taking a turn or accelerating "too fast", which can be very loosely interpreted by law enforcement. Slow and easy it is then but I'll take it to the track to blow out the carbon.:cool:


Audioholic Slumlord
I have a perfect driving record with no tickets or accidents.
You're kidding. :D No tickets? :confused: That one warning ... ooh. :p

Back in 1970 that cartoon was on daily and all I remember is that I wanted to be cool just like him. That show is responsible for the stack of unpaid tickets that I had collected in my 20's. BTW, I just got my driver's license for the first time in this millennium last Monday. Go figure, right?:rolleyes:


Ha Ha Adam is watching a movie about Pirates.......:D Instead of looking for a woman.....:eek::D:D:D:D Night night....


Audioholic Slumlord
looking for a woman....
I don't think I have ever 'found' a woman by looking for one. Somehow they just fall out of the sky but if I didn't have one ... hmmm ... I would be at a loss.

You could do like bandphan and go after the bar tender but that would entail drinking at bars. Wow, my prospects would be zilch. I guess the internet dating thing would be it but my 'sig' would be something like, "If I didn't want sex, I would be having dinner with my brother in law." or "If I take you out, I want action twice. Once on the way there and once on the way back."


Audioholic Samurai
72 yesterday, rain-snow mix today. What a frickin deal. Time to go down to the theater and try some internet radio out on the Pio.


Audioholic Samurai
Random word

OK, some backstory first. I was sitting at an irish bar talking with my friends about pranks that we used to pull on other people. One of them brings up "upperdecking". I'd never heard of this, but, it exists at and I thought you all should know what it is.

Second, the disparity between the two definitions is simply awesome! :D




Audioholic Spartan
OK, some backstory first. I was sitting at an irish bar talking with my friends about pranks that we used to pull on other people. One of them brings up "upperdecking". I'd never heard of this, but, it exists at and I thought you all should know what it is.

Second, the disparity between the two definitions is simply awesome! :D





Audioholic Jedi
[I've given up trying to find a good video clip of it, so I'll just quote this.]

I was watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding last night, and there was a scene that made me think of when Alex read my first post about veggie corn dogs. Changing the names a bit (and imagining Alex speaking with a Greek accent):
Doug: He doesn't eat meat.

Alex: He don't eat no meat?

Doug: No, he doesn't eat meat.

Alex (getting increasingly louder): What do you mean he don't eat no MEAT?
[the entire forum stops, in shock]

Alex: Oh, that's okay. That's okay. I make lamb.​
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Audioholic Jedi
I wish that I would have had my camera a second ago. My pooch is dreaming, and I always get a kick out of that. Her tail was wagging all over. I wonder what she was dreaming about...



Audioholic Jedi
With all his talk about his girlfriend and his frequent absences these days, I think that we should start calling Alex the Boston Harald.

Yeah, that's right. I'm that corny.


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks to the honorable and noble Sensi, I think that I'm now poised to smack a spammer into the double red chicklet zone.

Come on in, cellphone spammers. Come on in. Old Painless is waitin'...


Audioholic Slumlord
Boston Harold Reports

I finished painting our kitchen and caulking the counter tops.

We just got back from a dinner party where I got my culinary cheat on.
I would say that it was the best meal of the year ... so far.

Nobody calls me Boston Harald and gets away with it. ;)
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