Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Remember how freakin' tough it use to be to get a Thanks? Rep?
Yep. I was on the forum pretty regularly for six or more months in 2007. I then took six months off. When I left, I had just under 2000 posts and (I think) two or maybe three chicklets - I was on the first page for both posts and rep. When I came back, I was still near the top of page two. Can you fathom that anymore? Three chicklets on the front page? We won't see that again until after the great chicklet war of 2010. That's a story for another day, though...


Audioholic Jedi
Seriously? C'mon!

It's not like you are doing anything else.... ;)
Okay, I'll say this. If you're ever running from the guards at a psychiatric ward, see a giant monkey coming off of an elevator, and then hear him say, "Come with me if you want your rep" - then you know it's go time.

You'll also finally know what it's like to be me.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I want to punch the guy or girl who decided to start using the verb fail as a freaking noun. Then I want to punch all of the jackasses who supported such dumbing-down of the English language by using it. Then I want to tattoo the word "FAILURE" on their foreheads.

Every day we are getting closer and closer to the reality that was depicted in the film Idiocracy! It's not just these failures who say "EPIC FAIL" either. What about that octamom? She shouldn't be famous! Stupid media. She should be committed.

We are doomed...

Good thing I have lots of canned food and bullets...

...and friends on forums! ;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Okay, I'll say this. If you're ever running from the guards at a psychiatric ward, see a giant monkey coming off of an elevator, and then hear him say, "Come with me if you want your rep" - then you know it's go time.

You'll also finally know what it's like to be me.
Do you curl up in a little ball and cry yourself to sleep every night?


I know I do...
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Audioholic Warlord
I just had some 10 year Single Malt Ardbeg Scotch. Bought it for my brother for his Bday. It was amazing... like drinking a campfire.



Audioholic Samurai
Speaking of boring stuff

It's state/federal mandated test time. I've not been allowed to teach my morning classes all week. Instead, I get to either help proctor tests, work the front office (yesterday, and a coworker and I re-arranged it for the front office staff while they were away), or do nothing. BOOOORRRRIIIINNNNGGGG!


(And this place is blocked by websense :( )
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