I have both Netflix and Blockbuster. The Netflix is the 8 at a time unlimited. And the Blockbuster is the 3 at a time unlimited, I just ditched the in-store turn in because they ran out of things I wanted to see and not enough new releases are coming out to justify 3 turn-ins a week. So far I’ve noticed the following:
- Incredibly better selection than Blockbuster (huge anime selection)
- Faster turn-around time (Phoenix has a distribution center and I get new movies in 1-2 days if they are in Phoenix. If the next disk is shipping from across the country they often ship a 9th disk from Phoenix to make up for the delay)
- Have up to an 8 at a time unlimited plan though 3 at a time is the sweet spot
- Much easier site navigation
- More disk info on website (things like sound format 2.0, DD 5.1 etc…)
- Rating system really helps finding other things you might like.
- Better customer service (until recently 0 missing disks out of over 400. 2 weeks ago 8 disks all went missing the same day (weekend letter carrier put them in the wrong apartment’s mailbox. Reported them missing. Received an email saying my account was flagged. Called and explained and the customer service rep unquestioningly reset my “missing” limit and all 8 replacement disks shipped that day)
- None
- In store trade-in
- Immediate exchange for bad disk if it’s in stock.
- Store clerks can be helpful in suggesting movies or finding one you can’t remember the name of. (real hit or miss here)
- Everything listed in the Nexflix “pros” column
- New internet movies don’t ship until the distribution center receives your turn-in from the store.
- Spotty customer service. (store doesn’t always scan in drop box returns or post your turn-in in the mail promptly)
If you are worried about not having in-store turn in to get new releases Netflix lets you “save” movies to your queue before they release. I use this site to see what’s coming out:
I already have the new “Star Trek” movie saved. When I save movies far enough ahead of time the ship on the day of DVD release and I get them the next morning. OTOH I didn’t select Wall-E until the day it released and it took over 5 weeks to ship.
Hope this helps,
P.S. I voted for Netflix.