Help - problems with web interface of Yamaha RX-V3900



Hello there. I am hoping that someone can either tell me what I am doing wrong or if I have a faulty unit.

I am unable to use the web interface for the RX-V3900. When I browse to the IP address of the machine (tried static & DHCP), I get a splash screen that says "please wait, loading files" for a few seconds and then the connection times out. I have tried the following:

1. Multiple machines w/ multiple OS's = XPSP3, XPSP2, Vista
2. Multiple Browsers on machines above = IE6, IE7, Firefox 3
3. Reducing all security on the browsers to their lowest setting.
4. Disabling / removing AV software & firewalls.
5. Putting the receiver on a dedicated network with only the PC connected to that network.

Nothing has worked. I have never gotten past that initial "Loading Files. Please Wait" screen. It seems like the connection terminates before it can load the main page. Pings work fine as do all other network functions.

Does anyone know if there is a browser setting or patch or Java version (code for parts of initial page that I can see shows some JavaScript, but that is all) that is required for use?

The rest of the receiver seems to work fine. Can listen to net radio, use MP3 from other sources (although I hate that it has to be in the My Music folder on a PC). I even upgraded the firmware via the network to 1.07.

Any ideas / suggestions would be welcome. Anyone else having similar issues? I don't want to have to return it if I don't have to.

Thanks in advance!


Audioholic Intern
Did you enable the MAC filter on the receiver? I believe that is used to restrict which PC can look at the receiver. You might want to make sure you didn't enable that by accident.

If you login to your router, do you see that the receiver is connected? It would help if you explained how your receiver is hooked up to your router and how your pc is too (if you aren't using a router, that could be your problem).


Good questions. I checked the MAC filter. Turned it on and off with no better result.

As for having it connected to a router, technically, it is not connected to a router. It is connected to a switch. The switch is connected to the router. The key points are that you can ping it from any machine, you can view the connection from the switch management software and verify connectivity, and it is able to do all of the other "network" functions described above.

All that is not working is the web interface. I have not read anything anywhere that mentions any PC-side setup that needs to be done, but maybe I missed that in the manual.


Audioholic Intern
That is indeed strange, sure sounds like there is a firewall or something blocking on some port. I don't know that the connection uses different ports after the initial loading files.

The browser goes through three screens, "Loading Files", "Loading", and "Loading System Settings", so it sounds like you are getting stuck in the first one, is that right?

I didn't have to set up anything on my browsers to get it to work fine. I use a router for the DHCP server and an unmanaged switch to connect my network. I can control the RX-V3900 from my Mac OS-X, Windows XP and FC10 (Linux) boxes, using IE6, Firefox 3 and Safari, no issues on any of them. (Sorry, I don't have any Vista machines). Your trying so many machines doesn't sound like the problem would be in your machines, if you do indeed keep them up to date, including Java (usually automagic in Windows).

I do have firewalls turned off on all machines (since this is all behind my firewall/router).

When you said you tested with only the PC and the Receiver in the net, was that still through the switch? I'm not familiar with managed switches, but perhaps if it was in the net between the two, is there a way to try without it? If your router has more than one local LAN connection, perhaps plug a PC with firewall off and Receiver directly into the router to eliminate the switch. Or try a hub or unmanaged switch for a test.

I'd recommend setting it up and testing both mp3 and net radio, confirm from the GUI that the IP, gateway and netmask are all correct and that the IP doesn't conflict with any other devices on the network. Also verify the Mac filter is still turned off. Make sure the receiver is powered on (unless you have set "GUI Menu->setup->Network->Network Standby" to on). Then try the browser access to the Receiver. If that doesn't work, then it is suggesting you have a bad receiver.

One other thought that occurred to me is if the Receiver sets any cookies in your browser. I don't know that it does, but you might look through your browser for any and clear them, possibly they got set wrong when you tried it initially with something not right in the network? Just another possibility. I have a lot of cookies that contain some reference to yamaha in my primary browser.

Have you sent Yamaha a support e-mail? They have responded pretty quickly to me when I've sent them a description of my problems.


Audioholic Intern
Good questions. I checked the MAC filter. Turned it on and off with no better result.

As for having it connected to a router, technically, it is not connected to a router. It is connected to a switch. The switch is connected to the router. The key points are that you can ping it from any machine, you can view the connection from the switch management software and verify connectivity, and it is able to do all of the other "network" functions described above.

All that is not working is the web interface. I have not read anything anywhere that mentions any PC-side setup that needs to be done, but maybe I missed that in the manual.
Well, mine is setup the same way, though I don't have a managed switch. My 360, PS3 and Z7 are all on a switch that goes to my router. My PC is directly connected to my router (wired). I would do as ee4hire suggested and put your PC and your Z7 directly on the router. You said your switch sees the receiver, but does the ROUTER see it? The router is the one that will be providing IP addresses and DNS stuff. The switch just manages and optimizes the net traffic. My memory might be hazy, but being able to ping something doesn't necessarily mean the device is networked properly.

It might be worth putting your receiver in the DMZ, at least for testing purposes. If you have it in the DMZ and your pc and Z7 are all connected to the router than it might be a problem with your Z7. Do you have problems connecting to other computers that are on your switch?


Yeah, I tried to isolate everything by using a Linksys router that I use for business travel. I plugged one PC and the receiver into it. Same results. The receiver could get an IP address, play net radio... etc., but I could not access the receiver from the PC.

I am assuming that this means that for everyone else, it was pretty much plug & play? There was no client-side configuration necessary?


Audioholic Intern
Plug and play for me...but then I set up my router properly in the first place. For example, NAT is open for my Xbox360 (was moderate by default). There are so many different routers out there with different options and settings, who knows. That said, if it failed to work on two different routers, perhaps it is your receiver.

I'd contact Yamaha support and explain what you have tried.


Audioholic Intern
Yes, it was plug and play, like I said, worked with all my browsers.

Assuming you plugged receiver and PC into the LAN ports on your Linksys and they were both configured using dhcp from the linksys and had their IP's on the same subnet, then I agree it is time to contact Yamaha and/or your dealer.

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