Outside of Swerd and TLS, I don't think anybody here really understood the seriousness and severity of the situation. I think I can speak for everybody in saying that we hope all this blows over like nothing happened.
Well, nobody is born knowing this stuff. Don't beat yourself up too much. I happened to have learned something about it when I was a grad student, and TLS was an ER doc for years. He must have run into it at one time or another.
Tomorrow & wife are both OK. No one is in the hospital or lying twitching on the kitchen floor

. I think he was able to sort through the serious and silly advice he got.
I got to admit, when you first hear about it, exploding soup cans does seem funny. It stops being funny on rare occasion when someone dies because of it.
Apparently, Tomorrow's exploding soup cans have gotten the intense interest of Costco (where he bought the soup), Campbell's Soup Co., and the FDA. No one yet knows if it is botulism or something less dangerous, but they'll probably soon know.