
I was connecting my yamaha v490 to my pair of CR6 Boston speakers. The Subwoofer and one of the Boston speakers are emitting sound. But the other one is quiet :eek: I can't hear anything, what do you think could be wrong? I've been switching all the wires around(one time NONE of them were emitting sound at all, now I got at least the subwoofer and 1 speaker emitting sound) But still doesn't sound right because the other speaker is not working! :( HELP please!


p.s. anyone live around the ft.lauderdale area and want to help me install? lol


Seriously, I have no life.
It's either the tweeter or the crossover. Swap the tweeters and see if it works in the other cabinet. If it's soldered, you'll need to be able to solder the wires again after the diagnosis.


Audioholic Ninja
Try this,

1) First check connections. Assuming you are certain the speakers are connected to the correct Speaker Out (Main L, Main R) and sub to Sub Out (this will be one of the multichannel out RCA connectors) terminals.
2) Check settings on receiver to force downmix to Stereo
3) Play non-stereo source, like a movie DVD

If you have one speaker connected to the center or surround channel speaker outs, and then play a CD, the speaker will not get any signal, thereby appear to malfunction.

If you play mulit channel audio and still have a problem making one speaker speak, swap them to see if the other one works in place of the other one. This will help understand if the speaker is shot.


Audioholic Field Marshall
It's either the tweeter or the crossover. Swap the tweeters and see if it works in the other cabinet. If it's soldered, you'll need to be able to solder the wires again after the diagnosis.

It sounds more like you just havent got things hooked up or configured properly, especially considering nothing worked at one point. How has this system been wired? Are the speaker wires in the wall? Are they properly labeled?


Full Audioholic
1. check connections again (said ealier)
2. try different source material (said ealier) cd player, tv tuner ETC...
3. swap speakers. see if it follows the bad speaker.


hi everyone, thanks. here's the update: the wires just weren't connected properly. NOW they are after all the beating, squashing, roughness the poor bronze wires had to take :(
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Seriously, I have no life.

It sounds more like you just havent got things hooked up or configured properly, especially considering nothing worked at one point. How has this system been wired? Are the speaker wires in the wall? Are they properly labeled?
I should have read the post without letting EMIT lock me into thinking it was an Infinity speaker

At least I got the swapping speakers part right- I just must have vapor locked.:eek:


Audioholic Ninja

Since the above thread was closed, I'll post my comments here.

C’mon she’s just trying to understand. Yes, Boston and Yamaha do produce quality products. However, not all products are created equal. Speaker systems sound different for two reasons; their design and our unique hearing ability. What sounds good to you may not sound good to me, that’s just the way it is. And not all systems will sound good to you because of their differentiation. This is why we tell people to listen to speakers with material they’re familiar with before they buy them.

The popping and clanking could be speakers or receiver, it's hard to say.


^no i'm pretty sure I got the set-up down right. It's probably because the wires got slightly beat up after eons of switching and squashing them around to get them in the proper place or something? :(
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Since the above thread was closed, I'll post my comments here.

C’mon she’s just trying to understand. Yes, Boston and Yamaha do produce quality products. However, not all products are created equal. Speaker systems sound different for two reasons; their design and our unique hearing ability. What sounds good to you may not sound good to me, that’s just the way it is. And not all systems will sound good to you because of their differentiation. This is why we tell people to listen to speakers with material they’re familiar with before they buy them.

The popping and clanking could be speakers or receiver, it's hard to say.
What sounds good to you may not sound good to me, that’s just the way it is. And not all systems will sound good to you because of their differentiation.<<< YES! I think THAT must be it, because alot of people baffle me when I hear them say "Bose wave system" sucks! :rolleyes: lol.Musical beauty must also be in the ears of the beholder ;)

The popping and clanking could be speakers or receiver, it's hard to say<<< or could it be the wires that got all bruised up after trials and errors of trying to get them in the right place? :eek:

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