My understanding is the 9.2 is supposed to "lift" the center dialog up if it is too low. In the end, it sounds like a gimmick to me.. How about just angling the center channel a little? I think you can buy some black felt at Home Depot for about .25, angle the Center channel up and Voila... You don't need 9.2..
Ok, I just saved a bunch of people a lot of money...
9.2, 11.2, unless you have a movie theater in your house, why on earth would you need this? Good speakers are supposed to create a sound field, right? Do you really need to have 9 or 11 speakers to do this? I'm on the fence about 7.1 and I have a pretty large room to begin with. I've never felt the need.
I say, put your money toward better speakers if you feel something is lacking, as opposed to this gear with these gimmicky 9.2, etc. surround modes. But that's just my opinion...