I wanted to put Rears, but didn't know if anyone would get the Ace Ventura reference.
Anywho, My work shoes are starting to really hurt my feet (I developed Plantar Fascitis as a matter of fact, due to the poor arch support). I've been running a lot and really enjoy it, so having this shooting pain in my foot really sucks.
My running shoes and everyday shoes are all Nike Shox, with good amounts of arch support. However, my work shoes are flattened out Etnies I picked up in vegas for 40 dollars. They've been fine until now, as my feet are constantly getting soaked at work. I guess the insole lost it's shape, and now it's killing me. I have some arch support heal pads in there right now (Dr. Scholls, I'm gellin'). But even with these there is still pain.
Basically what I need to know, is which brands make a decently durable shoe, that have good cushioning and arch support. Also, it wouldn't hurt if it looked nice (I could maybe use it outside of work
