Speaker Popping at louder volumes



Ok, let me first start out by saying... I know Bose speakers suck!! But I do have a question.

I am putting together a vintage system and I have a totally restored Marantz 2270 and Bose 601 series II speakers.

I noticed today that at about 1/2 turn on my volume knob and loudness off.... and a song with a lot of bass... such as "Mockingbird" by Eminem, "Numb" by Linkin Park, and "Nature's Way" by Spirit that I was getting a pop on my speakers... now that pop turned to static. Almost all of "Mockingbird" is static filled on the left speaker only.

When listening at 1/4 of a turn with loudness on... no static or pop or hiss. turn it over 1/4 turn... pop, static, and hiss.

So I turned all three songs up to 1/2 volume (loudness off) and turned bass to the neutral position... and still static... turn the bass to left.. less bass... and still get the pop...

I had these speakers running on a Pioneer SX-1250 last week as my Marantz was being restored and got these speakers up loud... with no pop or static...

It only seems to pop or static when the bass gets too heavy... just tried at a quarter turn to raise the bass all the way up on the Marantz (loudness off) and when I got to the last setting the speakers at the top started to pop/static.

So does that mean my woofer is blown or not hooked up correctly?? Tweeter issue... what do you think??? Without telling my to throw out my Bose Speaker... please I know there are no Bose fans in here... but I am just wondering what people think??

Speakers are sounding good (I know Bose never sounds good, LOL)... at a quarter of a turn with loudness off... heck I can get all the way up to almost half turn and it sounds good... base sounds good and clear... no pop or static.

Just to let you know... I do like the way these sound... I really do... to my ear without the pop or static... speakers sound good to me. That is all that matters... right...

The reason I am concerned is that I just paid $150 for these like a month ago... just wanted to start off with my vintage system and that is all I could afford and did not like the sound of the JBL 100's or the Sansui 3500's which were also in price range. I am holding out for the JBL 4312A Studio Monitor Speakers... but do not have $800 right now. Will get the JBL's in time...

So with that said... should I just listen to these speakers at lower volume levels... I mean still shakes floor... but is it going to get worse... how much you think I will have to throw into these to get them fixed??

Let me know please... If you are going to make a comment about Bose Speakers... can you also give me helpful comments back too... I know I should throw them out... but in all seriousness... is there anything I can do?

Thank you!


Seriously, I have no life.
Ok, let me first start out by saying... I know Bose speakers suck!! But I do have a question.

I am putting together a vintage system and I have a totally restored Marantz 2270 and Bose 601 series II speakers.

I noticed today that at about 1/2 turn on my volume knob and loudness off.... and a song with a lot of bass... such as "Mockingbird" by Eminem, "Numb" by Linkin Park, and "Nature's Way" by Spirit that I was getting a pop on my speakers... now that pop turned to static. Almost all of "Mockingbird" is static filled on the left speaker only.

When listening at 1/4 of a turn with loudness on... no static or pop or hiss. turn it over 1/4 turn... pop, static, and hiss.

So I turned all three songs up to 1/2 volume (loudness off) and turned bass to the neutral position... and still static... turn the bass to left.. less bass... and still get the pop...

I had these speakers running on a Pioneer SX-1250 last week as my Marantz was being restored and got these speakers up loud... with no pop or static...

It only seems to pop or static when the bass gets too heavy... just tried at a quarter turn to raise the bass all the way up on the Marantz (loudness off) and when I got to the last setting the speakers at the top started to pop/static.

So does that mean my woofer is blown or not hooked up correctly?? Tweeter issue... what do you think??? Without telling my to throw out my Bose Speaker... please I know there are no Bose fans in here... but I am just wondering what people think??

Speakers are sounding good (I know Bose never sounds good, LOL)... at a quarter of a turn with loudness off... heck I can get all the way up to almost half turn and it sounds good... base sounds good and clear... no pop or static.

Just to let you know... I do like the way these sound... I really do... to my ear without the pop or static... speakers sound good to me. That is all that matters... right...

The reason I am concerned is that I just paid $150 for these like a month ago... just wanted to start off with my vintage system and that is all I could afford and did not like the sound of the JBL 100's or the Sansui 3500's which were also in price range. I am holding out for the JBL 4312A Studio Monitor Speakers... but do not have $800 right now. Will get the JBL's in time...

So with that said... should I just listen to these speakers at lower volume levels... I mean still shakes floor... but is it going to get worse... how much you think I will have to throw into these to get them fixed??

Let me know please... If you are going to make a comment about Bose Speakers... can you also give me helpful comments back too... I know I should throw them out... but in all seriousness... is there anything I can do?

Thank you!
I warned you! The problem is that the drivers are cheap. It seems they can not handle the power of the type of music you like.

You need to listen at close range to the drivers and see which one or ones are popping. Obviously the voice coils and or suspensions of one or more drivers are damaged.

Your only solution is to see if you can get the damaged drivers reconed, or find vintage replacements.

If you do decide to have the drivers repaired, you will have to play at a much lower level and keep the bass down or you will be back were you started.

Dr Amar Bose has always ripped off the public. There were only a few dollars worth of parts in those drivers. In those days he used the cheapest OEM drivers he could get his hands on, and then marketed them with a bunch of dishonest hype.

He had not changed and the gullible public keep coming back for more.

You will have a significant investment in those speakers, I fear if you repair them. My view is they were not worth the money new and they are not worth the money now.

If you want vintage speakers that you do not have to bust the budget for, I would look at vintage AR or Advent. Some vintage KEF or B & W will also fit the bill.

Put the Pioneer back on, to make sure the Marantz is not at fault. It might be exhibiting DC offset when driven hard. That fault by the way is a speaker killer.


Checked them

Hello there... my guy that sells me all the vintage stuff came over tonight and brought his JBL Monitor Speakers 4311... (high end L100's)...

He listened and told me he changed out the caps and put in the high end caps when he restored it... so it really pumps out the low end...

So it looks as if my music is not right for these speakers and that the low end is distorting these speakers...

The JBL's handled the volume all the way up... with the bass turned up all the way. It was so loud... I could not hardly stand it... really... loud!!

My guy told me that I need speakers that are able to handle the power... and the Bose are not able to handle it.

So it looks as if I am going with some sort of JBL or Altec Lansing or Klipsch.

I am going to put the speakers with my new Onkyo TX-SR805 and see if they are distorted at high levels of volume.

We will see.


Seriously, I have no life.
Hello there... my guy that sells me all the vintage stuff came over tonight and brought his JBL Monitor Speakers 4311... (high end L100's)...

He listened and told me he changed out the caps and put in the high end caps when he restored it... so it really pumps out the low end...

So it looks as if my music is not right for these speakers and that the low end is distorting these speakers...

The JBL's handled the volume all the way up... with the bass turned up all the way. It was so loud... I could not hardly stand it... really... loud!!

My guy told me that I need speakers that are able to handle the power... and the Bose are not able to handle it.

So it looks as if I am going with some sort of JBL or Altec Lansing or Klipsch.

I am going to put the speakers with my new Onkyo TX-SR805 and see if they are distorted at high levels of volume.

We will see.
So now you are starting to understand that Bose were, are, and will be JUNK.

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