wow its pretty tempting at monoprice for only 8 bux. It almost seems too good to be true. Is that cable good? ill be running the cable close to over 15 electircal devices and electiral plugs (and a wifi router and wifi adapter, i have signals all over the place).
It is
not too good to be true. It is just good business. I wish everyone knew about Monoprice so they could make educated purchases.
It is just as well-shielded as any monster you could buy, and as my friend Pat said above, it is possible the cable itself is made in the same plant (it could even be the same cable) as the monsters, and Monoprice just puts their own ends on it.
I used to be a monster buyer myself before I knew about the other options. Since then, I have replaced
all of my monster brand cables with Monoprice ones. In fact, I prefer the ends on the Monoprice, because the monsters were too fat and would sometimes strain the RCA jacks on my equipment when they were plugged in next to each other, and any chance of messing up my equipment means it is to the garbage for the Monster cables

Since I found out about alternatives to Monster, I have probably saved enough money between myself and my custom install customers to pay for at least half of the new receiver I just bought, and I am not exaggerating.