Hey guys,
I already own a nice Pioneer Elite Plasma (about 5 years old - non-kuro) TV which is not 1080P native (its 768 native). It looks great when I watch HDTV and BR movies. I just finished remodeling my master bedroom and wired it up for 7.1 surround, and HDTV, and I'm trying to decide which TV to buy.
I am looking for another 50 inch display for the bedroom. I do not want to spend the same kind of money I did for my current plasma (lets just say it was not cheap 5 years ago) so that kind of rules out another Elite. What I was thinking originally was to buy a newer plasma for the main room, and moving the current older plasma to the bedroom. But my question to you is:
If I buy a 50 inch Panasonic (or some other brand plasma) that is 1080P native, will the picture really be better than my Pioneer Elite? I know that just in resolution is will be better, but is a newer (lesser) Panasonic with higher resolution really a better TV, or is my old Elite still better than the latest from non-Pioneer manufacturers?
Just curious what you guys think.
Also, don't bother trying to convince me to buy an LCD.
Thanks Guys!