Thanks Alex, through your help and others I've been receiving a good deal of solid info.
If anyone has a suggestion on how to keep my sub from my kids I'm all ears. The living room is also the playroom unfortunately. It was easiest to childproof and they are curious little devils.
I have a 3rd old with the manual dexterity of a safecracking catburgler and a set of twin girls 1yr old who watch and mimic everything their older brother shows them. I had an iron screen in front of the fireplace but they kept pulling it on themselves.. it is not that heavy. On top of that my boy jumps over it anyway. He's the real danger.
I should probably take the installation of this system to another category in the forums.
I am currently waiting for a sweet deal on the TX-SR606.
these guys HAD it for dirt cheap, I've called them just to double check it's out of stock.