Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
I just ordered a TV converter box from Amazon using my $40 coupon. I had no idea that you could use those coupons over the internet - everywhere else that I had looked didn't let you. I wish that I would have known earlier in the week because I could have had it delivered by now...but I'm glad that I saw that at Amazon. I was waiting for BB to get another shipment, but now I'll have one on Wednesday.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Well, I leave for an afternoon/evening and nothing happens. Just lots of boring posts - except one: Adam, I should really give you hell about the sub thing, but I did worse for 2.5 years...

My sub would never turn on unless I was home alone and could really crank it. :(

I am taking apart my living room system completely and rearranging my gear. While I have it all out I need to vacuum the computer out. I am guessing it is probably completely filled with dog hair since I haven't cleaned it since we got the puppy...

She's a shedder :)

This pic is from the day we picked her up. She is a 10 month old hellion now. We haven't trained her very well and I am afraid I will have to get a little mean to train her to not jump on everyone and to calm the hell down, I think. Can you tell she was naughty today?

Oh yeah, and congrats on the big 8000, Adam!
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Audioholic Samurai
ccuuuttteee! I love puppies.

I just got back, gunna shower and go to bed. Too many redbull vodkas though, hopefully the vodka will outweigh the redbull.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm trying to decide if I like the blonde or the brunette better in Jamie's sig. I'm leaning towards brunette, but it's a tough call. Lucky for Jamie, he didn't have to choose.

BTW, I hit 900 posts in this thread and 8000 overall, but I was so dang embarrassed about the sub that I didn't mention it when it happened.
I like a brunette, I have a brunette for life now....


Audioholic Jedi

Wow - I totally missed your post about your sub last week. Hee, hee! Well, sorry for you - but that is funny. :D

Very cute puppy, too!


Audioholic Jedi
I had just finished viewing one of the recent "awww, aren't puppies cute" images when my pooch tipped over her water bowl and dumped almost all of it on the new carpet. The carpet for which I decided not to get the upgraded pad with the best moisture barrier.

Awww, how cute. :)

[Yeah, it's only water. I'm not worried about it.]


Audioholic Spartan
I had just finished viewing one of the recent "awww, aren't puppies cute" images when my pooch tipped over her water bowl and dumped almost all of it on the new carpet. The carpet for which I decided not to get the upgraded pad with the best moisture barrier.

Awww, how cute. :)

[Yeah, it's only water. I'm not worried about it.]
It's your should have bought a bowl that wont tip over.:D


Audioholic Jedi
It's your should have bought a bowl that wont tip over.:D
Now, that's a darn good idea!

It was my fault, anyway. I saw her rolling around over by her bowl and decided to let her enjoy herself. Seconds later...kadoosh!


Audioholic Field Marshall
My puppy loves to tip her water bowls. She even figured out how to do it to the anti-tip one I eventually bought. So finally I got one of those 5 gallon autowaterers and she can't tip it over :D.


Audioholic Jedi
I really should go take a shower.

And do some work...or something else besides this forum. :D
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Earlier today I posted in the Best Pizza thread and I hadn't posted in this thread yet today.... It felt like I was cheating on this thread .... :eek: :D

Please forgive me Really Boring Stuff Only ... It really just wasn't the same as it is with you ... ;)


Audioholic Jedi
That's you Adam...I thought it would a higher posts per day count.
Keep in mind, that's just an average since I started (total posts divided by days since I joined). I didn't really start posting for 10 months after I joined, and I took six months off at the beginning of last year.

My usual post count is a bit higher. ;) For example, I've had 500 posts since the morning of February 14. I guess that's only about 35 posts a day, though. :)


Keep in mind, that's just an average since I started (total posts divided by days since I joined). I didn't really start posting for 10 months after I joined, and I took six months off at the beginning of last year.

My usual post count is a bit higher. ;) For example, I've had 500 posts since the morning of February 14. I guess that's only about 35 posts a day, though. :)
It all adds up to : Adam needs a woman...... if only for a moment:eek::D
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