What do you think about the Polk R50s? Fry's has them on sale right now and I was thinking about picking two up to start piecing things together.
I am sorry I did not get back in time before you ordered, but I have found the greatest disappointment with the bottom of the line Polks. Maybe you will have better luck. I cannot think of a more disappointing speaker, but I realize that they are very affordable.
I'd rather a pair of studio monitors for something similar, like Behringer 2030p or KRK st6.
I do have a decent set of older speakers that I could use for my rears. So that would leave me with needing a decent center channel to go with the Polk R50s. What would be a good match for these speakers? Would rather stay within Polk if I end up with the R50s.
Yes, definitely, if you are keeping these, then buy the closest thing to a matching center. Whether identical to main, or within the same line (matching center), and if none of those are possible, then within at least the same brand from around the same "era" of when they were designed.