hey all,
I was thinking about possibly building up a small 2-channel system this summer for the bedroom.
Here is what i was thinking about so far....
-Emotiva UPA-2
-laptop + dac
-Vienna Acoustic Haydn Grands
-Lovan Affiniti Stands
I'm just kind of tossing this around so i'm open to suggestions if you have any
Let me know what ideas you have and what not.
I'm really toying with the idea of using laptop as the source + dac(my laptop only has a headphone output does this cause any problems or do i just need to find a usb dac???)...I would be using all my music stored on iTunes in apple lossless as my source. This is actually a cool idea though because i can use my iTouch as a remote control for iTunes and i can sit back and enjoy without having to get up....hmmm
^i like this idea the best now that i think about it...
Any thoughts on this? Or does anyone have a DAC recommendation for me that i could use in this situation?...good or bad idea?