The only adjustment that was made was when I noticed my back right speaker was not emitting the appropriate amount of sound, almost as if the speaker was blown. I unplugged the wire to the speaker, and plugged it back again; however I did not disturb the connections on the back of the receiver. After I did that, I went into the audio setup menu and tried to balance the sound, but ended up leaving the menu without making permanent adjustments.
I was just about to post the above, but then I went into the settings and learned that what I just posted was not correct. I guess I left the menu with the setting that the back right speaker volume setting was at +12DB, where all the others were at +4DB. That must be where the problem lies. So I guess that solves that problem, but addresses a new one. Why is my back right speaker producing such a low volume? I tried swapping speakers, and it sounded the same, so I know its not that. I have never heard of a speaker wire being damaged but being able to continuously transmit a steady signal, but just at a really low volume...