Ok, I have a laptop now but seeing as its about 3 years old and it was cheap when I got it, its not quite getting the job done. I got it for general computing on the road, ie email, internet, office apps.. blah blah... I'm very frustrated with the lack of capacity (60GB) and snails performance for digital imaging and desktop publishing. Time to upgrade... I'm a pc user, but Have read so many great reviews of the MacBooks... Seriously considering one, but maybe there are some PC options that are just as good. I can spend the 1299 for the new macbook but if I can meet or exceed performance for less in a PC, I'm game for that as well.
I know computers pretty well, but I'm not completely sure of the minimum requirements for such a machine. Any advice would be greatly useful. If you have a computer that you're super happy with, i'd love to hear about that as well. I'm also in the hunt for a new digital camera and am looking at options for that as well. Anybody that has some imaging advice would be greatly appreciated... Thanks...
Well... I'll say this.
Google search Dell Hell. You might be surprised.

I worked with them a lot at the school, and many a things I have cursed at them for.
I won't even get started with their laptops.
But, you'll find that someone always has something to say bad about a company.
In which case, notebooks I would get:
IBM Thinkpad (not too sure about Lenovo since they are now Chinese)
I never was able to break my old 750Cs and it's a 486 that saw most of it's life running around in a police car! Still runs good for a 486

I don't know how fast the last true IBM notebook was, so it may be a bit... anemic by today's standards. Lenovo's should be pretty well made, or at the very least IBM's support should be. I'd have to read more into this to verify.
But if you found an old IBM Thinkpad that will do you well, chances are it'll be good.
Macbook/Macbook Pro:
Yeah, it's Apple. You won't find the G4 in new Mac's. Rather, an Intel processor and NB. But... the great thing about this is... you can install Windows XP (SP2 or later) (or any other MS OS greater than XP SP2) and dual boot! Now, rumor has been going around that Time Capsule somehow eats the MS partition... so, be weary of that prospect perhaps. Not to mention, for a lot of "artists," they "prefer" Apple because they "say it's better for graphics work/video/ect."
Now, the computer is only as good as the software it uses to handle these tasks, as well as the user, and the hardware. It's not just one thing.
The big thing that Apple seems to have going for it, really, is the battery life. Now, you can get a long run time on a single charge with an Apple (using the factory OS, with XP, it seems to chop it in half). 4 Hours is the lowest stated run time with an Apple (take a little off always; they never run as long as they say, but still, they run close). That's important to some people.
However, I do not remember which ones you can swap batteries with. Keep that in mind.
One thing to keep in mind... since you are doing graphical/image work, get one that is loaded to full storage spec on RAM, or get the least amount of RAM and upgrade it to maximum capacity. You will use it. Yes you will.
A fast CPU doesn't hurt either, but you'll be using more RAM. Don't worry about getting the fastest CPU. Anything new should be an upgrade from 3 years ago.
Most graphics cards anymore are decent for video work. The only reason why you would need a powerful/specialized one is to hook up another monitor that has an insane native resolution (think 30" Apple Cinema) or you are graphic designing and need a Workstation type GPU (but I don't think you are doing AutoCAD or making the next Halo 7 game).
Other than that, it's preference, and research.
Don't jump in the pool until you are 100% sure, and always have a set of water wings on! (IE, backup plan).