I have a budget of a $800. Possibly $1000. But $800 is my target.
I am connecting to a HDTV.
Also, aesthetics of the speakers don't matter, I am living in a dorm.
Also, where can I find a speaker store or whatever? I'm looking on yellowpages.com and the only results I get are Best Buy, Sears, etc. What do I type in to get a real sound store? Is there a special name for these types of stores?
However since your budget is 800 and you are in college I am going to encourage you to go easy. I am concerned that extra 200 might be on a credit card and also am concerned about the funds for your education. Remember school comes first. Dorms are usually small and don't require a lot of volume to get loud and get you evicted. So be mindful.
You can go two ways. You can build off a great receiver or build off of great speakers. Your goals will determine which is better. If you build off great speakers you will need a budget amp though. I used to use a Panasonic HE100 6.1 and they go for under 100 bucks on ebay these days. It can drive most speakers just fine. If you go this route you have 700 bucks for a speaker system! Speakers have much more staying power than recievers. So I suggest going with this route.
With the 700 dollars. you can get this
and this for a receiver.
I have personally used the receiver above and its a good bang for buck deal at under 100 bucks. This method will give you a speaker system you can keep for a long time..
That system will cost 800 bucks. Then you can get speaker wire from home depot or monoprice(get the cheap 16gauge stuff).
Go to monoprice for any audio video cables you need.
I think that my run you a tad above 800, but you will have a sick system.
The EMPs are very popular here another option is the Primus package. I love infinity speakers and would probably buy those instead, but the EMPs are a really good deal.