To be perfectly honest, I am uncertain. I have heard a Bose center channel speaker that looks like that, but I did not pay any attention to the model number. Do they have more than one model that looks like that? Or in the recent past that looks like that?
The one I heard appeared to have the usual small Bose speaker problems, illustrated by this (you will need to read past the rabid anti-Bose stance, and look to the measurements):
However, I did not measure the response, so perhaps I was mistaken.
I should also add that Bose makes more traditional speakers that do not have the same issues, and should be judged independently of such things.
As for it being a "piece of junk", that was a rather flippant remark by me. Bose makes better speakers than some claim, as the claims of some are pure hyperbole. But I don't think that that center, at $200, is a good value, except possibly for someone who must have a center speaker no taller than 3.2", and is willing to live with its limitations. However, it does not meet the criteria of what I would call a "reasonable center channel" (which, among other things, involves the ability to be flat down to 80 Hz or lower). Other people have different standards, and it may be that some others will be perfectly happy with it. After all, some people are perfectly satisfied with the sound from their TV sets, and don't bother with a separate audio system at all. Of course, I do not know of any better center channel speaker that is 3.2" high or less, which might have something to do with the fact that I know of no other center channel speaker that is 3.2" high or less. And, as I indicated in my original post, I doubt that it is possible to have a very good center channel speaker that is very short. The Bose speaker probably sounds about as good as one could reasonably expect to get in a speaker that high. But one could not reasonably expect much from such a short center.