Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Slumlord
- and I don't think you'll find any TV that totally eliminates reflections.
Actually I had one called a Protron or Proton from Sears that totally eliminated reflections.
That was probably it's best feature.

I'm sure Adam knows more about the current spec's and features than most.

Maybe we should just give him some room.

No pressure ... :D


Audioholic Jedi
I'm sure Adam knows more about the current spec's and features than most.
You're very kind, but I don't know all that much about them. I've looked into a few of them, but I'm not at the mastery level of others on here. I just know what I like when I see it. ;)

Motion blur does make me nervous, though. So, I'm still contemplating.

On a different topic: Raspberry chipotle sauce on pancakes...mmmm, on oatmeal...not so much.


Audioholic Slumlord
I just know what I like when I see it.
Ya ain't seeing it if ya ain't calibrated it.

Ya get use to the motion blur though. It's kind of like when you make your own cartoons as a kid and fan the pages to get the stick man to walk. :eek:

Okay, that's it. Not another peep. Oh yeah, no matter what don't get a BR player with a 1080p plasma. That would suck. Especially a Panasonic and a Panasonic. Okay, that's it. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I feel like I keep getting punched in the produce section by a pack of monkeys.

[Starts looking for the red chicklet button.]

:D :D
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Unless he had to pay for it. :)

BTW, welcome back, Jamie.
If he refused to go he'd pay for it for sure - for days ... maybe even weeks ... speaking from personal experience here unfortunately... :eek:
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Or, as the dog is probably thinking, just stole his/her snack. :p
LOL!! - I can hear it now ... rrrrrruuufff, woooof, grrrrrruuffff, woof-woof, grrrrrrrrrrr

(translation - Hey come back here with that! I was gonna save that for later ... haven't you ever heard of recycling??!!)


Audioholic Slumlord
Where in the world does that saying about a dog's mouth being cleaner than a human's mouth come from? Hasn't that source ever seen a dog give itself a rim job?


Audioholic Jedi
Where in the world does that saying about a dogs mouth being cleaner than a humans come from? Hasn't that source ever seen a dog give itself a rim job?
I'd make some remark about where your mouth has been, but...well...everyone's already thinking it. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm waiting for somebody to post something interesting in the boring thread.


Audioholic Slumlord
Actually that's pretty good but my connection speed is not what it use to be so I am still waiting for the rest of it to download. :rolleyes:
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