

I think most of us have been there... we have some beloved piece of equipment that we have zero use for, but can't bear the thought of giving up. I'm there. I've been thinking about getting rid of my Adcom amp. It was my first real piece of "high end" audio gear. I love that amp and had it since 1992. I used it for about 2 years.. baby-d the heck out of it, but ended up getting my Sunfire only to wrap it and box it. I've pulled it out every now and then, but really never used it.

I hate the idea of getting rid of it... there's no reason to, but at the same time, I don't know why I'm keeping it when it could turn out to be a good deal for someone else who'll like it as much as I did. I thought I'd keep in case I wanted to go the seven channels, but I dont see that happening and even I do... I got 7 channels of unused amps in my Elite 94.

When to pull the trigger... <sigh>


Audioholic Jedi
I'll have to give that some thought. I can't even let go of stuff that I don't like. :)


I'll have to give that some thought. I can't even let go of stuff that I don't like. :)
i just posted the stuff over in classifieds. I'm a bit depressed. It's pathetic. I don't need or use the stuff, but I just hate getting rid of it.


Full Audioholic
That's like my REVOLVER REBEL turntable. I've had her for so long (about 20 yrs) and gets a workout almost every day, but there are so many better tables on the market. I'm in the process of replacing her this year, but I will not part ways with her. She really holds a lot of sentimental value for me. All those years of pleasure...she's been a good friend.



Senior Audioholic
Yeah, I recently went through that same thing with my Audio Alchemy OM-150. I'm also using a Sunfire for HT everything, and didn't use the AA for much. It's been in the basement for years. I had it out for a while to be used on rears while I bi-amped my mains with the Sunfire. Of course, I didn't notice much difference with bi-amping, so I just went back to the Sunfire only. It was more of a hassle to turn the AA on and off. So I figured that maybe someone could get some use out of it, and I could get $400 out of it. It was beautiful and classic, but oh well.


Full Audioholic
I know exactly how you feel. For me, it always boils down to the thought of selling the equipment and only getting peanuts for it. I always think, okay, I could sell this and have a few extra hundred dollars in my pocket, or I could keep it *in case* I ever want to use it again. I always choose the latter. There is some car audio stuff I'm sure I'll never use again...Phoenix Gold amp, Alpine head unit, MB Quart speakers, etc. When I go through the thought process above, I always choose to keep it.

I have PSB Stratus Golds which almost never get used now, but I love them so much I can't sell them. I guess once my house gets too full of junk, I may start to think twice at that point.
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Audioholic Spartan
Hi Chris,

I would put it on display. She has art glass...You should display the stuff you like!:cool:

Just kidding...sell it and buy some more art glass as a peace offering.;):)



Audioholic Samurai
What is it a little two channel job? Keep it and build a bedroom system. That's what bedroom systems are for, beloved old gear you don't want to sell. If you don't have an old pair of bookshelves for the bedroom, get a little kit and build some or buy an inexpensive pair.

You need sex music anyways.


What is it a little two channel job? Keep it and build a bedroom system. That's what bedroom systems are for, beloved old gear you don't want to sell. If you don't have an old pair of bookshelves for the bedroom, get a little kit and build some or buy an inexpensive pair.

You need sex music anyways.
Very good point Sensi....


Junior Audioholic
I hung on to an HTIB for almost a year after I upgraded to separates.

Always thinking I might find some other use for backyard speakers maybe. Never got around to do it though so finally sold it.


Audioholic Jedi
I have a CD changer that has been in my closet for nearly 2 years since I moved here. I don't have room for it in my rack anymore, so it has just been sitting there. I recently bought the 2ch amp for a good price, so one of my monoblocks is now sitting idle as well and I know I should sell it but I have a hard time actually doing it.

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