Im not great with all this stuff but im working on it and i've read a bunch of threads with a little confusion still. Asuming HDMI is the best way to connect hardware together? I recently purchased a 1080p samsung LCD, this has 3 HDMI in, A Panasonic home theater PT760 this has 1 HDMI out, A Ps3 which also has 1 out and my Comcast HD cable box with 1 HDMI out. would this mean the best way is buy 3 HDMI cables and hook one from each component back to the TV??? I read about people also needed the optical cable, why would i need to buy that also if HDMI carries sound/video. the tv,ps3,and cable box have 1 optical out, the home theater has 1 optical in.. maybe im supposed to buy 3 opticals and 3 HDMI?? All help is appreciated