hi guys and girls.
I dont know much about amps and speakers, i know the general but not technical.
I am currently running
* Pioneer Main amp
* Pioneer pre-amp
* Pioneer sound image equalizer
was running some make do eltax 190w tall stand speakers but have recently upgraded to a set of Mission M30i bookshelf speakers to run as my main front speakers.
When i run my eltax speakers i get great volume and perfect treble to bass ratio.
But when i connect my missions my volume gets cut down (need it higher to make it sound fairly loud), also my treble to bass ratio is well off put. too much treble and no bass at all, have adjusted all my amp settings but still no good.
I went to my local stereo shop and asked why this is, they said a few things but i cannot work out what it actually is and what i need to do to bring it back to proper sound.
They first said my amp was too powerful for my speakers. my amp is 250w p/ch, my missions are only 75w each.
Secondly they said its due to the db tollerance of my speakers.
I am realy confused and dont know what to do.
Is there anyway of making them sound right?? or is it actually due to what they said, and will i need to buy a less powerful amp??
please help me, its killing me having rubbish sound with my music.
Well, that audio shop gave you the usual urban audio myths, all are false, of course, especially that last one, breaking in
No, your amp is not too powerful and not sure what the guy was thinking about that dB tolerance thing. More voodoo.
You have two distinctly different speakers as that is what gives you the differences in the vast majority of the cases, not the other components.
Not sure what the specs are of either speaker, but it may be that the Mission is less sensitive, perhaps much less sensitive, hence the higher volume control setting on your preamp.
Same goes for the bass and treble balance. You seem to like the older speakers as you are used to them. Why not return the Missions?