Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
I get to see my hometown on ABC in about 20 minutes. :) I moved my antenna around outside, and ABC comes in better. Not great, but better.

I wonder what I'll have for dinner...
Rabbit dog food???:D


Audioholic Jedi
Rabbit dog food???:D
Mmmm. That does sound tempting, and it would make Alex happy. :D I'm thinking chips and salsa, or maybe some more cereal.

Considering how the ABC bus likely came to town, there is a very good chance that they drove right past my childhood home. My parents lived there until about five years ago. They went back about a month ago and said that it was looking pretty run down. There will probably be a For Sale sign in front.

I'm getting excited to see it.


Audioholic Slumlord
I wonder what I'll have for dinner...
Rabbit dog food???:D
Mmmm. That does sound tempting, and it would make Alex happy. :D I'm thinking chips and salsa, or maybe some more cereal.
I think I've posted about this before but just in case not everybody got to see it I'll repeat the story.

Back in the early '70's the guy who was our guarantor to come to the USA was in a grocery store and saw a picture of a German Shepard on the side of a can (Alpo) and assumed that the contents were German Shepard. He thought it was a little odd because back home we don't eat dog. I guess he really wanted to give the native cuisine a go so he tried it. He said it was pretty good. :D

As far as I know, nobody I know knows anybody who eats more than me. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Seems like a pretty deserving family that they are helping. One of the foster girls looks just like a girl that I had a big crush on back in high school. Makes me wonder if it's her kid...
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Seems like a pretty deserving family that they are helping. One of the foster girls looks just like a girl that I had a big crush on back in high school. Makes me wonder if it's her kid...
The question is --- does the kid look like you too??? :eek: ;) :D


Audioholic Jedi
The question is --- does the kid look like you too??? :eek: ;) :D
The 19-year-old version of me (the age I would have been during, well, you know) says, "I wish!!!", but the 36-year-old version is all, "nah, and it's a good thing, too."

BTW, they've pretty much shown that house and two around it. Not much of a view of my home town. Maybe when they drive to Sears...


Audioholic Samurai
Torrents are the greatest invention ever. following shortly after.


Audioholic Slumlord
Alex, you are one strange cat...I mean, monkey.
What? I thought the statement and the song fit together pretty well.
At least until the lyric of 'the kid is not my son'.

Whee ... hee, hee! :D


Audioholic Jedi
Well, you sure didn't get a look at my hometown if you watched tonight. The family certainly seemed cool and deserving, and they built a nice house. They just didn't show any other parts of town like they sometimes do. I can understand my dad's comment about the house looking out of place. The thing was HUGE. You could partially see that the other houses around them were more like what they had in the first place.


Audioholic Jedi
Well what town was it?
Sweet. You didn't watch. I'm so offended right now, I could punch you. :D

Pekin, Illinois. That show is probably the biggest thing to happen to that town in a long time. Sure, we had other famous people from there. Well, me. ;) Not. The town is just about 34000 people. A lot of nice people, though. I miss my friends, and I sure miss my folks, but I don't really miss the town. Not much to do there. Then again, I'd probably be very happy there now, seeing as how I don't do anything anymore. Give me the internet and TV, and I'll sit around with a big grin on my face. They do have some great places to eat, too.
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