I agree that there have been lots of dumb products, and lots of gadgets simply aren't neccessary.
But, a SmartPhone has been great for business. I can check my e-mail on the road, messaging is much easier with a QUERTY keyboard... finding an address or the weather using a phone is much easier than those outdated wastes called phone books or turning on the weather channel in a hotel and waiting for them to get to your area.
Why would anyone want to watch a movie on their knee? Obviously you don't travel much. If they have a movie at all, it sucks.
You'd rather use a map then a GPS?! That's rediculous. A GPS is a map, you don't need to put in a destination, my car has the entire US map on one disc. If I need to find a gas station, hotel, resturant, or a hidden address, its nice to be able to get instant directions. Pull over to view a map? That reminds me of when I was a kid and you'd see people swerving all over reading a map or putting their brakes on to pull over to read their mess of a map. Or a young girl makes a wrong turn and ends up in a bad area, what's she going to do, buy a map at the gas station? That's safe.

I'm not saying maps aren't useful, but, saying a GPS isn't is crazy. Maybe if you travel the same places all the time it isn't, but then just don't buy it.
Also CES is dead this year, so, its already on that road.