It was weird; a few days ago I was doing little more than getting ready for work and all of a sudden I had a severe pain in my abdomen / groin area, only on one side. It was sharp and constant so I called the doctor. No other obvious symptoms besides the pain, and the fact that it felt like I had to pee but I couldn't at the time. So the initial assumption was that it was a kidney stone. They gave me pain killers and asked that I get a CT scan because they weren't sure that is what it was. The CT scan came back showing no kidney stones, and that was a bit alarming. He did note what appeared to be some scarring though so he referred me to another doctor who immediately said you have a hernia. I went in to get examined and they determined that I have TWO, bilateral hernias, one on either side. I am pretty pain tolerant, but any of you who have had one know it isn't exactly fun. I won't take pain medication unless I absolutely have to, and I had to for this.
They said traditional surgery won't work in this case because they are on both sides, so I will be getting scoped, which is a little better anyway I suppose. I will be down for less time, however I also have to go under general anesthesia. I go home the same day, and will be out of work for a week. Traditional surgery they said would be at least 6 weeks to recover. It has been a lot of time sitting around and taking it easy and wondering what the problem is, now just waiting for surgery to get scheduled.
The doctor said it is very likely that I was born with a weak abdominal muscles in the area and it wasn't until now that I am getting older that the issues showed up (meaning I am prone to them), or I could have injured the area some time ago and the complications didn't show up until now. It has not been a fun week.