Need earbud recommendations



Hey, I am out looking to buy some decent earbuds for my mp3 player, so I was wondering what kinda earbuds would sound as good or better than my Sennhesier HD555's?

currently looking at these 3:

Ultimate Ear 5 Pro Black Earphones $250 after tax

Shure E2c $150 after tax

Shure SE110 $120 after tax

around $200 is my budget, these prices are calculated in CAD.

Please reply and thank you!


Ultimate Ears are great little buds. Those you listed are dual driver type and they are very nice indeed. I have custom Ultimate molds as I am a live sound engineer. I have also used the Shure E5 and they are about $450 and they don't hold a candle to the Ultimates.....Go with the Ultimate Ears they have great customer service too.(at least I have had great sucess with their artist reps):D


Are there any other ear buds may you suggest, that fits my budget? and how close is the sound quality are those to the Sennhesier HD555? I hear some people say the Shure SE110 are bad is this true? if the Shure SE110 isn't that bad, I may just pick it up from a local Best buy. Unless the sound quality difference is quite big compared to the others then I will definitely stay away from the SE110s.
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Ultimate has some in your price range. I would for sure stay away from the lower shures..


Audioholic Samurai
I picked up a pair of Shure E530s recently and have been very happy with them, especially on airplanes because they still block a lot of noise without having a big package....

I haven't heard the less expensive Shure's in your budget, but I've heard the E2c's are worth checking out.


Junior Audioholic
I have had a pair of Shure E2c's for 2 or 3 years now. I love the sound but I have one complaint about them. I'm not sure if its the storage of them that causes it or if it's how they are worn, but over time the jacket of the cable starts to split and cables inside becomes twisted and lump up causing it to short out occasionally. I've had to tape them up using electrical tape as a temporary fix. I'll can take a picture and post if you would like.


You mentioned IEMS. Depending on your sonic tastes, I would suggest having a look at Etymotic headphones. They are very un-colored and neutral sounding compared to the other brands. They also isolate very well. Im definitely satisfied with my etymotic hf-2. Its based off the ER-4 series but its $175.

If you want straight up earbuds (not IEMS), YUIN is the way to go IMO.


Audioholic Samurai
I have the Sennheiser CX500's and really like those. They are actually below your budget, but might be worth your consideration. I think MSRP on the CX500's is ~$120, but I got them on fleabay for ~$40 new. I've been tickled pink with their performance so far, but then I didn't try the $200+ buds since I never wanted to spend that much.

my two cents.


Audioholic Jedi
I believe Apple is coming out with some premium ear buds that are similar to the Shures at a much lower price and were pretty well reviewed. They aren't as good as the Shures either, but then the price reflects that.

I am a big fan of Sennheiser - you can often purchase refurbs with full warranty direct from them on their site for decent prices. I haven't heard their earbuds though.
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anyone have a clue if Ultimate Ear 5 Pro has better sound quality than a pair of Sennhesier HD555's?


anyone have a clue if Ultimate Ear 5 Pro has better sound quality than a pair of Sennhesier HD555's?
The HD-555's would likley have better detail and soundstage. But you have to remember they are open air headphones, not closed or sealed. The super-fi is an IEM, made for isolation and portability. If you want pure performance, get an open air can like the Senn or Grado or something.

As far as the best sounding IEM's, Shure is known for its midrange sound and recessed lows and highs. Super fi's are warm and sparkly sounding, and Etymotics are kind of a more balanced but not as musical sound and "colder" sounding then the others. Its all your preference.
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The HD-555's would likley have better detail and soundstage. But you have to remember they are open air headphones, not closed or sealed. The super-fi is an IEM, made for isolation and portability. If you want pure performance, get an open air can like the Senn or Grado or something.

As far as the best sounding IEM's, Shure is known for its midrange sound and recessed lows and highs. Super fi's are warm and sparkly sounding, and Etymotics are kind of a more balanced but not as musical sound and "colder" sounding then the others. Its all your preference.
Ahh... I would've used my HD-555s but I am not the type of person that would blast their music and disturb the others around me :/ (eg:bus) and what do you mean by warm/sparkly sound?


The Super fi is the best IEM you can get before going to custom molds IMO of course.....Ultimate gets my vote for sure, and they are great people to work with as well.Great service for all of their customers not just artists....


Audioholic Samurai
Ahh... I would've used my HD-555s but I am not the type of person that would blast their music and disturb the others around me :/ (eg:bus) and what do you mean by warm/sparkly sound?
How much sound is dispersed into the air around you? I've never used open air cans before.


Ahh... I would've used my HD-555s but I am not the type of person that would blast their music and disturb the others around me :/ (eg:bus) and what do you mean by warm/sparkly sound?
Then IEM's would be a great choice for you.

Warm and sparkly means they go low and high with powerful bass and treble, but dont have quite the detail and midrange of the Ety's. The super-fi, in my opinion, has a more colored sound so my choice is Ety's. Like I said, the Etys are more balanced sound, but dont have as much "slam" as the super-fi if you know what I mean.


How much sound is dispersed into the air around you? I've never used open air cans before.
If you were in an almost silent room with some grados turned up to high-ish volumes, you would hear the singer and cymbals from pretty much anywhere inside the room.

The main problem for open can are the sounds leaking in and disturbing the music imo.


If I were to buy the Ultimate Ears, I would probably purchase it from here. I live in Canada though, hoping I won't get charged with customs. Do you guys know where I might be able to order this in Canada? so I won't get charged with customs?


If I were to buy the Ultimate Ears, I would probably purchase it from here. I live in Canada though, hoping I won't get charged with customs. Do you guys know where I might be able to order this in Canada? so I won't get charged with customs?
Anyone :p?

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