Thanks for all the replies.
First think first, I guess I shouldve mentioned this before: I am not looking to spend that much, probably around $400...
I already have a decent sub that I bought a year or so ago (as per recommendation from this forum, thanks

), a Dayton S100ETH 12".
My TV does have a L/R audio out on the back, but if I bought powered speakers and hooked it up to that I dont think I would be able to control the volume with the remote.
There is no headphone jack.
Im liking jostenmeat's suggestion, as it is in my price range...can you link me to some stereo recievers for ~100?
And do you guys have any recommendations on brands/models for the actual speakers?
Also, if I bought a stereo reciever like suggested, would I be able to hook up my powered sub to it as well?
Thanks again