That isn't too bad. There are cheaper solutions. If
I were going for a rackmount Network Attached Storage solution, I would probably get this:
and then purchase however many of these I could afford (you can always add more later):
The problem I see with all of these devices is that you obviously need a pretty high technical level of understanding for enterprise-grade storage, because all rackmount solutions are designed with large enterprise storage in mind.
Are you familiar with how to implement and manage enterprise-level storage? The reason I ask is that even with a bit of experience, I have limited understanding myself

- these devices are certainly not designed to be user-friendly.
Unless you're completely uninterested or don't have the rack space, for that much money, I would actually recommend the alternative: put together a DIY media PC/server in a full height rackmount case (probably for much less $$$) and a couple of the above hard drives. It would require a little more time to set up but less time (and possibly frustration) to use.