I have four HD-DVD players (XA-1, two A2's and one A3) and I love em, but i also own a PS3 and a Sony S350 Bluray player. I bough the HD-DVD players at a great discount and bought two extra players in storage in case any of the two hooked up ones ever die. I am buying HD-DVD movies in mass for around 5.00/ea at places like Fry's and Amazon (hey they still play HD and lossless audio) and always wondered why people who bought them sold them after it was announced they lost the war. The HD VD players are top notch upconverting players and also play HD-DVD's which can be pought for pennies on the dollar now. I realize Bluray won but if given the choice to pay 30.00 fora Bluray or 5.00 for HD-DVD and get the same audio and video quality, I'm gonna pay the 5.00. Sure the format may be dead (hence why I have back up players) but considering formats faze out about every 10 years, even Bluray will be gone in about that time too. So if you can still find a great deal (sub 100.00 mind you) on a HD-DVD player, you may want to consider this, considering great upconverting players are still going for 80.00-100.00