Before you post your next "truth", please take some time to make sure the info is correct.
Actually, no one on this thread, with the borderline exception of WmAx, has really put forth proper data regarding this issue, unless I'm forgetting something upthread.
If TLS Guy answers fmw's question, that would help present at least one first-person, properly documented example.
It rather frustrates me that the information so commonly bandied about in this type of discussion is seldom-to-never given a
citation. I know this forum isn't a formal debate forum, or a scientific conference, but when threads like this get down to this level of detail, it would really help if people treated it so.
Meaning: if you make a specific factual claim, try to link or cite in print the original source.
I find it frustratingly difficult to find the actual data from well-described, well-controlled studies. Hydrogenaudio, although not exactly up to the standards of peer-reviewed science journals, seems to be the most productive site for this kind of thing (i.e.;
LINK - see - there's a link!)
The best I can summarize of my current opinion is that I've seen no-one who can tell the difference between 320kps mpeg and WAV
perfectly, so any claims of "night and day" differences are pretty suspect, but on at least certain recordings, at least some people can consistently reliably score better than chance (more or less what WmAx said, I think). Also, people who listen to lots of castanet music should probably [strike]get a life[/strike] use only lossless codecs.