So after having this receiver for a bit, how do you feel the sound compares from the receiver, to the separates you were using previously? Can you tell a difference, or does it sound the same, but with more options now?
I've listened to a lot of 2.0 music in Direct mode, 5.1 music in DSD-SACD & DVD-A PCM, and movies in TrueHD/DTS-MA/PCM on the 5308 Receiver.
Compared to the separates analog components, including the Class A analog from Acurus (RL11 & 200X3) and the Denon PMA-2000IVR, the Sound Quality from the 5308 Receiver sounds exactly the same as those analog separates.
The only difference I can tell is that the 5308 receiver has less NOISE from the speakers when in STOP mode in the players (BD, SACD, DVD, etc.) than those analog separates.
In stop mode, those separate analogs would produce a hissing noise, but the 5308CI is completely silent. I guess the signal-to-noise ratio on the 5308CI is better than those analog separates.