Okay, I'm sure many people have asked or been asked this question: Is it better to let the receiver do all the processing or let the player do all the processing?
I did a little experiment using the Denon AVR-5308CI, Denon DVD-3800BDCI, & Toshiba HD-XA1.
First, I let the players (BD & HD DVD) do all the internal decoding and send PCM via HDMI to the receiver. I set the 5308CI to Multi-Channel Direct Mode, which bypasses all tones, EQs, DSPs, bass management. The LCD on the receiver reads "Multi-Ch Direct".
Second, I would then switch to PURE DIRECT MODE Multi-Channel. Yes, that is actually possible, although the manual says nothing of this. Surprise, surprise.

So now in addition to Direct Mode, the Pure Direct mode shuts down all the video circuitry, except for the HDMI video. The LCD on the receiver goes to BLACK. But if you change volume or other changes, the LCD lights up and it reads "Mutli-Ch Pure Direct".
Yes, it actually says "Multi-Channel Pure Direct"!
Third, I let both the BD & HD DVD players Bitstream to the Receiver and set the audio mode to Standard Audo Decode. So I put in "Red Cliff" BD. I change the audio output on the BD player from TrueHD to DTS-MA to LPCM, and the receiver reads "Dolby TrueHD", DTS-HD MASTR", and "LPCM" respectively.
So which sounded the best?
Hands down, the Bitstream sounded the best.
The MCh Direct and MCh Pure Direct seriously lacked the BASS.
I did not have this issue when I used 3 PMA-2000IVRs and analog cables!
So is the HDMI PCM the culprit here?
Do you think I messed up somehow on my setting?