Need recommendations for blu ray player & a receiver for home theatre. Under product marketing strategy, quality & value; Good/Better/Best, I can't afford "Best" and am interested in the "Better" category with a $1000 budget for both h/w items.
What I Have; Samsung LN-T4665F LCD HDTV, Samsung Home Theatre HD DVD, 6 speakers & wireless modem for rear speakers. Blu ray dvd is to replace hd dvd. Include thoughts about Samsung's Blu Ray players 2500 & 2550.
Thx, Mcfly360
I run Panasonic's DMP-BD30 through my Onkyo receiver(SR875) and then to my Samsung Plasma(FP-T6374). I've had nothing but great experiences when we watch Blu Ray movies.
If you can get the kind of power you like out of the new Onkyo TX-SR606, matched up with the Panasonic DMP BD30, I am pretty sure you'll meet your budget limits(Pretty sure the BD 30 is on sale as we speak), while really enjoying what you purchased.(IMHO

Panasonic has a few newer models in their Blu Ray player line right now, but after having reviewed them(online), I didn't see anything that made me want to run out and trade up on my BD 30 yet.
Again, this is IMHO.
I think you'll find some great deals on alot of different brands right now. I've only had experience with Onkyo, Yamaha, and Denon units(auditioned), and I like Onkyo in the "best bang for the buck" department. Onkyo receivers also seem to be a bit brighter (cleaner)to me, and that was a "biggy" in my decision process too.
Remember, everyone is different. So audition a few different brands and models before you make your receiver choice. Your AVR will be the foundation of your HT, and it should only be second to your speakers in your decision process.
Besides, you'll probably keep your speakers and your AVR the longest, out of everything else in your HT.
I wish you luck! Joe B.