This is sort of a semi hijack, seeing as how there haven't been too many comments made on the up-coming DVD releases like Adam mentioned:
I don't see anyone posting about pre-ordering HANCOCK, or it's upcoming release.(end of this month, right?)
I pre-ordered it(on Blu Ray), and I am really looking foward to getting it in the mail from Was it really bad or something?

I know I made a total SH#T purchase when I pre-ordered "The Happenning". Of course I didn't realize how bad it was until I actually watched it though.

Just hoping I didn't make another SH#T purchase is all. Then again, the compiled list of critics on that movie seemed to be a 50/50 split on those of them who liked it, and those of them who didn't.
I am a sucker for movies with people in it that can fly though...

Joe B.