TLS I saw you mention Jordan Watts, are those the same as the British company EJ Jordan who makes the JX92S full range driver?
Ted Jordan was the chief research and design engineer for Goodmans industries back in the fifties. Leslie Watts was the accountant. When the owner died, the company had to be sold to pay the death duties. Ted and Leslie got the sack and founded Jordan Watts loudspeakers at Benlow Works Middlesex. The JW module Mk I was the result. These units had a half life of about 20 minutes. This was introduced at the Audio Fair in 1961. I was there, and it was at that time I first met Ted and Leslie.
At that point Ted and Leslie parted company. It was left to a rag tag and bobtail outfit to develop the successful MkII. I was to a large extent responsible for the MkIII. As Leslie became too old to run the company it was sold in the late seventies to Volt loudspeakers. Leslie was a lot older than Ted. They sold it to a store the sold electronic instruments. They did nothing with the name but held out for a large sum of money for the rights to the name. I have been unsuccessful in acquiring the name at reasonable cost. I was the Canadian agent and importer for part of the seventies.
Ted formed Jordan loudspeakers and married the former production engineer for Goodmans. They divorced, and she won the rights to his intellectual property in the divorce settlement. She founded
Bandor loudspeakers. I think it is now largely run by her son Adrian. Ted then formed EJ Jordan designs. Ted and his wife Denise are now in the process of
handing EJ Jordan designs over to the Swedish company Esoteric Audio Designs.
Here is a
link to my website where you can find a download of a Jordan Watts 1970s sales brochure. There is also a link to an audio recording I did with Leslie Watts in 1976.
I have about 100 modules and a set of Jodrels, Juliets and Jumbos. I have some cones to build some MK IIIs. I also have a TL of mine with a set of single JW modules in each enclosure. I keep those around to keep me honest!