and, what do you suggest?
Definitely good news... but it could also be bad news for people employed by the oil industry. If oil prices keep falling unchecked while demand continues to plumment, you could end up seeing layoffs by some of the large oil companies. Now while I don't feel bad for those companies b/c they made loads of money over the past year due to record high oil prices, if they interpret this fall in demand as permanent then it could mean the loss of a lot of jobs.
We all drive tanks just to keep these guys in jobs? Drive a Hummer and save an oil worker's job?
What about everyone else who is out of jobs? Pharma is cutting jobs, IT and CS has been outsourced for years, Walmart is China's outlet store (at the cost of local businesses' and their employees), our auto industry is on the ropes thanks to their making these gas guzzlers (and, up until now we bought 'em), but you're only concerned about these guys?
Sorry, I cut way back on my gas consumption by buying more efficient cars to save me money, not to save the world or spite these guys. Just like everyone else, maybe the economic scythe is about to cut into their cozy area of security. Maybe they can get the government can bail them out too.
Besides, a lot of oil producing countries are lacking the processing plants. Maybe we could sell and export the finished product. Of course, we should expect a big cut on the raw materials price as well, thereby making it even cheaper ...for us!