Fable II Discussion Thread



Full Audioholic
Well I am glad you are enjoying your overpriced Fable I ...

Since there is no Fable II, just a newer Fable I.

And, "intended to be done" my *** ... The only thing that should be "intended", is the enjoyment of the game! Which is hard to do, when it's pretty much identical to the original. Which is partially why I didn't do more of the sides. I did do some, just not all.
I wouldn't recommend buying Fable III when it comes out, it will most likely be like Fable II and Fable I. Kind of like how Oblivion was similar to Morrowind, Halo 3 similar to Halo 2, which was similar to Halo, etc etc...


Junior Audioholic
Actually I am big fan of both MorrowWind and Oblivian, and I thought Oblivian was significantly better than Morrowind. Even the graphics were much better, which are the least of my concerns.

As far as Halo, I was playing Halo 1 online way back with XBC before Xbox live was even available. When Halo2 came out, I thought it was worth the money because it offered xbox live support which made things a ton easier and more fun. Halo 3, I was not impressed with. Too much like Halo 2. Same game, too short of campaign, just different maps, no significant advancements, and graphics were hardly better, just in higher resolution.

I bought Fable II hoping that the online play would have potential. I guess you're right, I should have done more research, because the online sucks.

And by the way, I did a lot of side missions, just not all. I got most of the legendary weapons too, and had a wife, kids, owned tons of stuff, maxed out most of my job skills, so it's not like I only did the main. The game is just short. Too short, and not improved enough.

After posting here last time, I went back and re-beat the game, this time doing everything I possibly could. It's still way too short, and just not improved upon enough from the first Fable.

I think even the much older Jade Empire blows away this game, especialy in terms of story line. So does both Kotors, oblivan, Morrowind, and Mass effect, which are all good games. Even Two Worlds is better than Fable II.

MADCOW demands the quality and proper evolution of video games and is against the reselling of barely tweaked enhanced versions of old games.

Fable II should have been called fable 1.1 or something, and Halo 3 should have been called Halo 2.1

At least with Grand Theft Auto, they got it right, and had 3 different versions of Grand theft auto 3 before they finally called one "Grand Theft Auto 4" .. Remember? GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, pretty much all the same game with minor enhancements and different locations. I had to keep my mouth shut then, because they wern't actually sequels, just new maps and some minor things. GTA4 was actually different, offered new online modes and replay that didn't exist on the old versions. It deserved to be called GTA "4".

When a sequal to a game is good, I recognize it, when it is not, I also recognize.
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Audioholic Ninja
Actually I am big fan of both MorrowWind and Oblivian, and I thought Oblivian was significantly better than Morrowind. Even the graphics were much better, which are the least of my concerns.

As far as Halo, I was playing Halo 1 online way back with XBC before Xbox live was even available. When Halo2 came out, I thought it was worth the money because it offered xbox live support which made things a ton easier and more fun. Halo 3, I was not impressed with. Too much like Halo 2. Same game, too short of campaign, just different maps, no significant advancements, and graphics were hardly better, just in higher resolution.

I bought Fable II hoping that the online play would have potential. I guess you're right, I should have done more research, because the online sucks.

And by the way, I did a lot of side missions, just not all. I got most of the legendary weapons too, and had a wife, kids, owned tons of stuff, maxed out most of my job skills, so it's not like I only did the main. The game is just short. Too short, and not improved enough.

After posting here last time, I went back and re-beat the game, this time doing everything I possibly could. It's still way too short, and just not improved upon enough from the first Fable.

I think even the much older Jade Empire blows away this game, especialy in terms of story line. So does both Kotors, oblivan, Morrowind, and Mass effect, which are all good games. Even Two Worlds is better than Fable II.

MADCOW demands the quality and proper evolution of video games and is against the reselling of barely tweaked enhanced versions of old games.

Fable II should have been called fable 1.1 or something, and Halo 3 should have been called Halo 2.1

At least with Grand Theft Auto, they got it right, and had 3 different versions of Grand theft auto 3 before they finally called one "Grand Theft Auto 4" .. Remember? GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, pretty much all the same game with minor enhancements and different locations. I had to keep my mouth shut then, because they wern't actually sequels, just new maps and some minor things. GTA4 was actually different, offered new online modes and replay that didn't exist on the old versions. It deserved to be called GTA "4".

When a sequal to a game is good, I recognize it, when it is not, I also recognize.
You missed Halo 2, its supposed to be Halo 1.1:rolleyes:. and GT4 is actually San Andreas with an online expansion pack:rolleyes:.

BTW have you played Fallout 3 yet?


Junior Audioholic
I wrote this before:

"When Halo2 came out, I thought it was worth the money because it offered xbox live support which made things a ton easier and more fun."

I didn't "miss" Halo 2, you missed reading my post obviously. Halo 2 was worthy of the "2".

You missed the point. If the improvements made can add 100s or thousands of hours of added gameplay, it's worth it. If the improvements made are minor cosmetics and some novelty things like having sex with hookers, all the power to ya if you enjoy it, but don't expect a new experience.

However minor the improvements on GTA4 may seem, there is way more replay in the game now, and many of the online modes offer completely new gta experiences. It's a step forward.

As far as Halo, there is no more replay in Halo 3 than in Halo 2, it's hardly better graphics even though it came out on a way more powerful system, and hardly any significant advancements for the better.

Halo 2 was a step forward, Halo 3 was not.

Why don't you just get out on old Atari and play some PONG! dude, as I can see that's the level you are at. We can can call it pong 2008 ok? I can sell it to you for $500 if you want. That should make you feel special!


Audioholic Ninja
I wrote this before:

"When Halo2 came out, I thought it was worth the money because it offered xbox live support which made things a ton easier and more fun."

I didn't "miss" Halo 2, you missed reading my post obviously. Halo 2 was worthy of the "2".

I guess you do not understand the concept of sarcasm. I understand exactly what you typed. Re-read my previoius post because YOU clearly miss read what I said. BTW I am giving you a red chicklet. I really didn't appreciate that last remark in your post.
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Junior Audioholic
The sarcasm was inappropriate, and took clearity away from the point that although some game sequals achieve signifcant advancements for the series and for gaming in general, others are simply an attemp to cash in on the name that at one time offered something new and rich to the world.

Whenever a number is added to a game, that game should offer something new that is significant and not just a hyped up novelty. And as long as there are idiots out there that keep buying the crap sequals (like even I did this time), it will detriment the evolution of games because there will be no observed need for significant advancement.



Audioholic Ninja
The sarcasm was inappropriate, and took clearity away from the point that although some game sequals achieve signifcant advancements for the series and for gaming in general, others are simply an attemp to cash in on the name that at one time offered something new and rich to the world.

Whenever a number is added to a game, that game should offer something new that is significant and not just a hyped up novelty. And as long as there are idiots out there that keep buying the crap sequals (like even I did this time), it will detriment the evolution of games because there will be no observed need for significant advancement.

I agree things get hyped to much, which can lead to dissapointment for some. It can be argued that sequels are very revolutionary to video games (Zelda, Mario etc) and some of the best games that exist are sequels. However, I wish there were more original games coming out that are not sequels, but that is the nature of the industry, always has been, always will be.


Junior Audioholic
I agree.

But it's funny how you edited your post to say your giving me a "red chicklet", right AFTER I made a post stating your sarcasm was inappropriate.


Junior Audioholic
Oh, and I have not played Fallout 3 yet, but it looks very promising and I plan on checking it out next week or so, as I have several things I am working on right now.


Audioholic Ninja
I agree.

But it's funny how you edited your post to say your giving me a "red chicklet", right AFTER I made a post stating your sarcasm was inappropriate.
The derogatory comment you made at the end was the reason I gave it to you. It eventually got to me. The post you mentioned about the sacrasm didn't bother me at all;).

Fallout 3 is very similiar to oblivion, but with a different combat system. Way more polished too (better environments, graphics, loading times etc).

Edit: Well it looks like you got your revenge :).
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Full Audioholic
So...finally finished the main story line, though there are a bunch of quests I am still planning on finishing. I had over 5,500,000 gold, so Castle Fairfax was an easy purchase. Did anyone drink the potion in the Fairfax tombs??? I was wondering how the hereo's family might feel about that...

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