ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!
I find this part super offensive.
I know it's an English speaking country. I freakin' live here and don't need to be told that. You don't care where I'm from? Good because I don't care that you don't care. Now that we're on the topic of not caring, the people in this country who make the rules don't care what
you think. Your opinion on the matter has been deemed worthless. Go back to where I came from? I'm no more a product of a country than I am a product of a government. I am from the Earth and have enjoyed the pleasure of walking it in liberty regardless of the language I chose to speak. Please note that it has been my pleasure.
To me language is a function of communication. To communicate effectively with a person, I will continue to use the language that works best regardless of what country I am in.
Most of the time English works best.
I'll tell you for free that that sentiment is usually used against Spanish speaking people. I see the 'Speak English Or Get The F Out' stickers on hard hat's all the time. They aren't referring to Scandinavians. If it wasn't their language that was being picked on it would be something else like height, color or diet. Why don't we make it simple and just say it's okay to kick a ----?
Trying to help somebody speak English to make their lives easier is noble. Why offend them? Personally I think people should learn to use punctuation or turn their computers off. (Except for mike_c.
