I would like to thank the American people



Audioholic Jedi
Personally, if I had to defend myself, I would rather use my fists given the option :) More satisfaction.
Sheep, if I weighed 205, I would agree with you! Seriously. I don't, though, and there are any number of people that could do serious harm to me with nothing but their genetics and intent.

I don't pack heat when I walk around. If I can run, I'll run. If someone traps me in my house or puts a knife to my dog, though, then they will (for but the briefest moment in time) truly appreciate the physics behind the design of the hollow point.

It's easy to talk tough, and I know that I'll have trouble if something were to actually happen. However, I have no morale issues with killing someone who means me or my dog harm. Their choice...their consequence.

EDIT: BTW, sorry to Darien for the threadjack.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
yeah, im 185lbs of pure weakness. though subwoofers come first over gun purchase :D
and im not done with subwoofers yet. but i do agree with Adam though ... you enter my house, you satisfy my curiosity in what it feels like to kill someone.


Audioholic Warlord
I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. But I am ecstatic to be proven wrong. As a person that has been a victim of racism, I didn't think that I would live to see the day that a black man would be elected President. Regardless of anyone's political affiliation, it warms my heart to see that prejudice appears to be on the decline in this country.

Unfortunately, Proposition 8, (ban on gay marriage), seems to have passed in California. So we obviously still have a ways to go to reach true equality. I find it interesting that Prop 2, (Animal rights), passed but so did Prop 8. Apparently we would rather give rights to chickens and cows than people.

This is not a Democrat/Republican thing. I am truly just glad that I lived to see this historic day.

Thank you to the American people.
Congratulations, I think the "outside world" will agree with you on this :D


Audioholic Chief
“I just want to clear one little thing up...

God, can't make, LAWS.”

According the definition of law in the American Heritage Dictionary. Second College Edition (i.e. the one I have laying around): Law is appropriate to use for God’s commandments and other rules he has laid down.

“Law 5. The body of principles or precepts held to express the divine will, esp. as revealed in the Bible: Mosaic Law.”

“Law 6. A rule or principle that must be obeyed.”

I would guess a lot of people break God’s laws and who is to say whether it is a major infraction or a minor infraction and what Gods reaction may be. If you believe in God, then it is best to follow gods rules the best you can, and as best we know they are contained in the Bible. No one is saying bash the gays and take away their freedoms. I am simply pointing out God’s law and why we should not legalize gay marriage because it would be wrongly putting man’s law as superior to God’s law. It would also violate our pledge of allegiance and our money which says “In God We Trust”. There are probably other examples of God being a part of our country. Don’t they still have witnesses “Swear In” in court by putting a hand on the Bible and saying “So help me God. (I have never be in a court, but that’s the way they show it on TV.”

If you don’t think God should be a part of our county and government, then look odds and outcomes of the World War II battles of Midway and the Leyte Gulf as well as many others.


Regarding my first post, God is not wishy washy or vague on his law regarding homosexuality and I wanted to make it as black and white as possible, because some people are not aware this law exists in the bible. Some people don't like what God said for various reasons and choose to ignore it as some kind of religious right malarky. I know religion is out of fashion nowadays and people want to do whatever suits them. Its happened before and it will probably happen again.

Some people just simply don't believe in God (of any form). They view you the exact way you view them. What they aren't out there doing is telling you how you should live. These are people that want to get on with their lives. To be treated equally.

They don't want to be treated equally because of a choice they made, they want to be treated equally as the person they were born as.

Again, the homosexual tendency is a biological function:rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
I am half black and half white and I consider myself black. I can't really give you a good explanation why. It's just the way I feel. My brown skin sure makes me look different from white people. And I will tell you that with the racism I have experienced in this country, having a DROP of black in you, makes you black. And what do you mean by, "passing himself off as a black man from Chicago"? He's a black man and he's from Chicago. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. Sounds like you're just bitter.
Hi Darien, great post.

I won't pretend to have walked in your shoes; though I think most of us have experienced some type of bias in our lives.
I got my first dose when I worked at a major telecommunications co. It came in a slightly different brand of racism, called Affirmative Action; government mandated racism.

My friends of mixed race have told me they've experience bias from both sides of their ethnicity.
Has that been part of your experience?
For example, mixed race children that were products of the Vietnam War, have said they were subject to ridicule, and worse. They didn't fit in with either race, and were attacked from both sides.

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Audioholic Samurai
It would also violate our pledge of allegiance and our money which says “In God We Trust”. There are probably other examples of God being a part of our country. Don’t they still have witnesses “Swear In” in court by putting a hand on the Bible and saying “So help me God. (I have never be in a court, but that’s the way they show it on TV.”

If you don’t think God should be a part of our county and government, then look odds and outcomes of the World War II battles of Midway and the Leyte Gulf as well as many others.
People have been trying to systematically remove the concept of "God" from our society and government for many years now. There is a point I believe, where we will become too "Politically Correct" as to gridlock our entire way of living for fear of upsetting someone else who may not believe in every single thing you do.


I am also not so presumptuous to tell someone else what they can and can’t do with their life. Just relaying a law from God. It’s a sign of the times that more and more people are failing to believe in God or the Bible. More or less foretold to happen.
I think the Bible has foretold it's own demise due to karma. You really need to do some research. First off our modern bible is based on Sumarian texts dating roughly 10,000-8,000 B.C.

Religion used to by polytheism. Monotheism is a relatively 'new' concept.

The Bible says you reap what you sow. One lesson the religious fervent should take heed of.


Audioholic Spartan
I am simply pointing out God’s law and why we should not legalize gay marriage because it would be wrongly putting man’s law as superior to God’s law.
I've got no use for god and don't want to be subject to laws based on some arbitrary interpretation of "his" laws. I want my government to treat all people equally in a manner that respects all religions, including the complete absence of religious belief. The government has no business regulating the personal relationships of gay people any more than they should be involved in regulating the personal relationships of anybody else. But, if the government offers a public and legal certificate of marriage to hetero couples, under the principle of equality it should offer that same (identical) certificate to persons who choose other relationships.

If churches wanted marriage to be a sacred institution conducted by the church, so be it. Then limit it to the church as a private function of a private organization. But since it is a public legal function, either eliminate it as such or include all persons equally.

Laws intended to govern the interaction among a diverse, free society simply cannot be based upon the mysticism of one particular segment of that society.
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What an *******, asking for training so people don't kill themselves.

If no one has a gun, no one would NEED a gun. I've gone 21 years so far without shooting a gun (or owning a gun), and no one mugs me.

What I believe they are getting at with this Brian is the fact that you can serve in the military at 18 but can't legally own a gun? I'm 100% for mandatory firearm training.


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.

All I meant was that with such a patently ridiculous post (what does Hawaiian have to do with it? He has no Hawaiian racial content; he was born there. The term "passing himself off" implies some type of fraud or misrepresentation, and I don't think that's really going on, etc.) you have either ignored the facts and news reports in general, or you're intending to stir the pot in the fashion of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the like by using.

So, which is it?

My point was this.
I don't think a millionaire born in Hawaii fits into the 'Chicago Hood'; any more than Donald Trump would fit in at a trailer park, with the 'My Name Is Earl' characters.
So, with that being said; he played down his millionaire status, along his white half, and told Black America "I feel your pain"

My post wasn't meant to "stir the pot in the fashion of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity" as you say.
Though, it was meant to stir up some 'Critical Thinking'.

Now, a much better response than mine is just a few posts up. Darien87 deftly responds about both issues, and explains one from a first hand point of view -- something I presume you have no experience with vis a vis racism.
I responded to Darien's post, (my reply #66) you can check that out if you'd like.

something I presume you have no experience with vis a vis racism.
I don't know any straight men that use the term "viv a vis".
Not that there's anything wrong with that. jk :D


Audioholic Chief
“People have been trying to systematically remove the concept of "God" from our society and government for many years now. There is a point I believe, where we will become too "Politically Correct" as to gridlock our entire way of living for fear of upsetting someone else who may not believe in every single thing you do.”

I agree. It was the communists in the Soviet Union that prohibited worship of God. They completely eliminated God from their government and most of their society. Look how well that turned out.


“People have been trying to systematically remove the concept of "God" from our society and government for many years now. There is a point I believe, where we will become too "Politically Correct" as to gridlock our entire way of living for fear of upsetting someone else who may not believe in every single thing you do.”

I agree. It was the communists in the Soviet Union that prohibited worship of God. They completely eliminated God from their government and most of their society. Look how well that turned out.
The USSR didn't fail because they were godless:rolleyes:

Removing people from under the yoke of biblical morality come state amendment is not political correctness. It is a group of people not wanting to be under the jack heel of a group of conservative religious zealots who think 'their way' is the only and better way.

That is why religion will doom it's self.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I agree. It was the communists in the Soviet Union that prohibited worship of God. They completely eliminated God from their government and most of their society. Look how well that turned out.
That statement is straight out of 1950s Joe McCarthy propaganda.

The Soviet Union fell because their government decided to spend 99.9% of their budget on defense while not growing any other industry or supporting private sector innovation.... and of course while starving and abusing their people for 50 years. They could have held mandatory daily prayer sessions and the country still would have fallen apart because their policies sucked, their leaders were corrupt, and their people were ignored.


Audioholic Slumlord
Out of respect for Darien I left my bible out of this thread. :)

The pledge of allegiance was altered in the 50's to include the God business.


The beauty of a good Jehovah's Witness is that if you tell them you never want to see or speak to them again it's over. Unfortunately not all bible thumpers hold themselves to that standard. Not for nothing, many homosexual men have trouble laying off as well. That's understandable though IMO because we as men are sexual predators. I just happen to chase women, or use to anyways. Natural 'laws' do indicate that men should be with women but they also indicate that men should be with 'many' different women. Try selling that to your wives.:D

What else have I got? Oh yeah, I'm against legal marriage. Use to be that marriage was a proclamation to friends and family that you were gonna keep her after that night. Now it's a proclamation to God and country that she is going to keep everything after that day. Spare me. Been there, done that. She can still keep everything but I'm not standing in front of a judge unless a badged and armed individual makes me stand there under the threat of incarceration. So yeah, I wouldn't prevent homosexuals from getting married but I would try to talk them out of it.

One last thing, if you point your finger at gay people and say 'that ain't right' you are gay. :eek: He 2:1 .
Sorry Darien, it slipped. :eek: :D Man, I hope I'm in the right thread.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Hum.. another thread which involves race,politics,religion!! Can we ever have a thread stay on topic and why do you Mods give them life and allow them to start and become ridiculous with all these turns.


Audioholic Slumlord
Hum.. another thread which involves race,politics,religion!! Can we ever have a thread stay on topic and why do you Mods give them life and allow them to start and become ridiculous with all these turns.
You should be happy that we let Canadians even read the political threads, nevermind actually post in them. :D

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